Hi Gerd

how can I make sure that Garmin programs do not try to
interpolate housenumbers for places where this is not

Is it possible that there is another attribute besides

No, you just have a range consisting of the one number to that same number. eg E,42,42.

If there are several random numbers on a segment of road then you
would have to introduce new flagged nodes at appropriate places along
the road.

By flagged node I mean that it has what we call the extra-bit set.
See LinePreparer.  Currently I believe that we only set this bit
on road junction nodes, but it can be set on any point in the road.
Unfortunately there may be assumptions in the routing code about usage
of the extra bit, since we didn't know that until house numbers.  The
house number code should be OK in that respect though.

Also when adding extra nodes along the road you would have to be
careful that they are not removed by any of the simplifying filters.

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