Hi Gerd

Two open questions:
1)  Why do we need the new class NumberCoord?

There is always more than one way to do anything... so no you
don't need it.  I suggested it because it requires no memory
and it expresses the relationship that a CoordNode is
a NumberNode.

2) Is a CoordNode always also a number node?  Or is it possible

Yes a CoordNode is a number node.

to combine the numbers for multiple arcs? I guess that would allow
to save some bytes.

You can skip number nodes if there are no known numbers on that
part of the road. But otherwise it is from number node to number node.
Arc is a NOD concept, house numbers are purely a NET concept. I know
that we don't support a NET only build but if we did it could have
house numbers without any routing at all.


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