Am Samstag, 28. Februar 2015, 13:40:02 schrieb Gerd Petermann:

Hi Gerd

Just tested the default style, but it is imposssible to search any address, i 
have survey, why. 
The first entry 'Bundesland/Provinz' has an empty Button, using Nordrhein-
Westfalen breaks everything, not tested with english language.
Using the empty button is followed by asking City, Bonn, then housenumber, 
676, then streetname 'Kö...' oops, nothing found 'K' give a large list 
starting with K 1. Searching for 'L193 Kö..' no founds.
The basemap created with the same source in the same process has a working 
address search.

Should i upload this images for testing?

My Streetname in the address search start with the name, ref is not displayed, 
we are using ref only on the display when 'driving on B8 Frankfurter Straße'. 
Please see the screens in the uploaded zip.

i make some additional tests after lunch ;-)


> yes, sorry, I've used your style, just copied the wrong
> link. I suggest to use  --x-split-name-index or change your
> style so that road names start with the name, not with 
> e.g. B506. 
> In fact, I wonder if it makes sense to combine the name
> and the ref.

amarok2 now playing:

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