Am Samstag, 28. Februar 2015, 14:09:27 schrieb Bernd Weigelt:

Found one problem, seen this a few days ago, too, is gone without doing 

Could not open file: 

The dir is there, filled with files

bernd@apoll:~> cd /home/bernd/map_build/mkgmap-housenumbers2-

bernd@apoll:~/map_build/mkgmap-housenumbers2-r3486/examples/styles/default> ll
insgesamt 52
drwxr-xr-x 2 bernd users  4096 28. Feb 11:33 inc
-rw-r--r-- 1 bernd users   385 28. Feb 11:33 info
-rw-r--r-- 1 bernd users 10045 28. Feb 11:33 lines
-rw-r--r-- 1 bernd users   300 28. Feb 11:33 options
-rw-r--r-- 1 bernd users 14681 28. Feb 11:33 points
-rw-r--r-- 1 bernd users  3141 28. Feb 11:33 polygons
-rw-r--r-- 1 bernd users  2328 28. Feb 11:33 relations
-rw-r--r-- 1 bernd users     2 28. Feb 11:33 version


> Am Samstag, 28. Februar 2015, 13:40:02 schrieb Gerd Petermann:
> Hi Gerd
> Just tested the default style, but it is imposssible to search any address,
> i have survey, why.
> The first entry 'Bundesland/Provinz' has an empty Button, using Nordrhein-
> Westfalen breaks everything, not tested with english language.
> Using the empty button is followed by asking City, Bonn, then housenumber,
> 676, then streetname 'Kö...' oops, nothing found 'K' give a large list
> starting with K 1. Searching for 'L193 Kö..' no founds.
> The basemap created with the same source in the same process has a working
> address search.
> Should i upload this images for testing?
> My Streetname in the address search start with the name, ref is not
> displayed, we are using ref only on the display when 'driving on B8
> Frankfurter Straße'. Please see the screens in the uploaded zip.
> i make some additional tests after lunch ;-)
> Bernd
> > yes, sorry, I've used your style, just copied the wrong
> > link. I suggest to use  --x-split-name-index or change your
> > style so that road names start with the name, not with
> > e.g. B506.
> > In fact, I wonder if it makes sense to combine the name
> > and the ref.

amarok2 now playing:

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