Am Freitag, 13. März 2015, 14:08:45 schrieb Andrzej Popowski:

> Hi Bernd,
>  > first question, what should this rule do?
>  > maxspeed=* & maxspeedkmh()!=* { delete maxspeed }
> This rule deletes tag "maxspeed" if we can't assign a numeric value to it.

got this answer a few hours ago while testing this against my style, it's 
clear now. btw, found many values like 30_mph with Taginfo, are they removed 
by this rule,too? IMHO they keeped, but rewritten to usable values

>  > the last rules should be
>  > maxspeed up to 120 kmh
>  > maxspeed=* & mkgmap:road-speed-max!=* & maxspeedkmh() <= 120
>  > { set mkgmap:road-speed='-0'; set mkgmap:road-speed-max = 6 }
>  > 
>  > maxspeed higher then 120 kmh
>  > maxspeed=* & mkgmap:road-speed-class!=* & maxspeedkmh() > 120
>  > { set mkgmap:road-speed-class = 7 }
> mkgmap:road-speed-class isn't set anywhere in default style, except in
> current roadspeed include file. Condition mkgmap:road-speed-class!=*
> would be false, maybe you wanted to put mkgmap:road-speed-max there?.

i'm using the default rules in inc/roadspeed from the default style 
mkgmap:road-speed-max is IMHO not needed because '7' is the highest value, but 
i think your last rule ignores speed higher then 120 kmh

maxspeed=* & mkgmap:road-speed-max!=* & maxspeedkmh() != *   
{ set mkgmap:road-speed='-0'; set mkgmap:road-speed-max = 7 }

mkgmap:road-speed-max = 7  is only set if maxspeedkmh() isn't set, but 
maxspeedkmh() couldn't be empty if the maxpeed value is numeric, so there is 
no possibilty to set a mkgmap:road-speed-max = 7 for streets with maxspeed 
higher then 120 kmh

maybe this rule works as you expected, but it is a catch all, i don't like 
them ;-)

maxspeed=* & mkgmap:road-speed-max!=* & maxspeedkmh() = *   
{ set mkgmap:road-speed='-0'; set mkgmap:road-speed-max = 7 }

> Setting value for mkgmap:road-speed-class is what I want to avoid in my
> include. Setting mkgmap:road-speed-max=7 doesn't limit anything either,
> could be omitted. The reason for setting mkgmap:road-speed='-0' is to
> clear any existing value, but maybe this is superfluous.

I think setting mkgmap:road-speed-class is only needed for the highest value, 
higher then 120 kmh

mkgmap:road-speed='-0' didn't distube me much, but IMHO it's superfluous

Sorry, i can't describe it better, my english isn't good enough.


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