where you able to investigate some more ? Is there another build I can/have to try it with ?


On 27.11.2016 22:05, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
Hi Patrik

It looks different and better, but not yet completely good yet:

  * it's consistent now (tested on Windows only for the moment),
    independant if I start with or without -Dfile.encoding=utf
  * If I create a Latin1 map (codepage 1252) the licens looks good in
    BaseCamp and when checking the img files withGMapTool
  * If I create a unicode map (codepage 65001) it looks good when
    checking the image files with GMapTool
  * Checking the same unicode map (installed img files) in BaseCamp, the
    äöü stuff is scrambled again
  * Converting the same unicode map into BaseCamp format (via jmc_cli)
    and checking in BaseCamp, äöü stuff is also scrambled

Something's still sort of strange, not working as expected....

That could be a problem - if GMapTool displays it correctly, but basecamp doesn't, it could be that there is something that we don't

Perhaps the copyright and licence needs to be in cp 1252 regardless of
map code page.  I'll investigate some more.

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