here some answers for below questions:

-> Can you tell me what characters you do see instead?
For unicode map option copyright-file I see characters that look like black diamonds with a question mark in it (picture attached, hope it comes through).

-> lower-case option
I've double checked with older maps I was definitely building without the --lower-case option and the map always showed proper case (capital and lower case) names, preserving OSM style on my Garmin devices (at least for the last few months... didn't/couldn't check back more). Looking in BaseCamp at the license/copyright information I can say that we had part in capitals and part in mixed cases, assuming that copyright-message (I was using the message, not the copyright-file option earlier) was in capital letters only.
The license-file part was before always in mixed cases as it should be.
And to make the statment complete: the codepage option was always used and set.

Yes, preserving case for license-file and copyright-file (as well as copyright-message) would be great.... I would prefer not having to change the option lower-case while building the map, just to make sure we don't screw up stuff for old devices out there... ;-)

Looks like we're getting nearer to the real problem and to the solution.... great work, many thanks.


On 04.12.2016 14:55, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:

Hi Patrik

as promised here the outcome from the (hopefully) proper testing...

Great, so we only seem to have a remaining problem with unicode and the
copyright file.

That leaves up two things/questions:

  * I think copyright-file needs to be fixed also as this is the only
    one being displayed on the GPS Device, correct ?

OK this is strange as the copyright file is just converted
into normal labels just like everything else on the map like
street names etc.  It was the licence file that was different.

I will take another look as I may have missed something there.

Can you tell me what characters you do see instead?

  * question: the description of the option --lower-case says that lower
    case characters aren't displayed properly on most devices. On mine
    (etrex30, oregon 450t, monterra) I couldn't find any difference in
    the map, this option seems to affect only license and copyright
    files ? Do I miss something ? Is it dangerous to set this option for
    having a nice license as I might loose support for some devices ?

Yes, the --lower-case should affect the map; it leaves
names with the same case as they appear in OSM input file in the map.
That is as long as you are using one code-page option, without that
you get an ascii uppercase only format.

That comment in the help for --lower-case is out of date now.
When it was written, most or all hand held devices then available
could not display rotated lowercase text.  Horizontal text was OK.
Maybe even earlier devices couldn't display lower case text at all,
I'm not sure.

(eg. See the image in this post

I will try to preserve the case of the text, after all if you want or
need the licence text to be in upper case you can just write it that
way in the file.

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