Ben Konrath <> writes:

> I realize this is a bit off-topic on this thread but I'm curious to know
> your process for combing non-OSM data with splitter. I was just starting a

I don't think it's off topic at all.

> project to add some non-OSM data to my maps but I thought the only way to
> do this was with osmosis, combining a generated change file with the real
> data. Is your process documented somewhere? If not, do you mind sharing it
> here?

I have generated a file "lots.osm" which has parcel data as polygons
with boundary=parcel tags, and just call splitter with
"us-northeast-latest.osm.pbf" and "lots.osm".

My lots.osm file has negative numbers for ids.  I remember using some
python code to read shapefiles and write the osm file, but I no longer
remember the details.  There is nothing odd about the file, other than
using negative ids.

With 64-bit ids, perhaps I should be picking some other private range
that isn't negative.  But I bet it doesn't matter as long as they are

I've been doing this for years with no problems.

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