Version mkgmap-r4818 was committed by gerd on Fri, 19 Nov 2021

mdrUnicode_v9a.patch by Ticker Berkin
"While looking at the mdr output from Mapinstall and the differences in
the street repeat flags, mainly where there are shield/road-ref
entries, I realised my change to for undefined sortOrder went
to far and it disrupts this ordering for Unicode.

Missing or 0 sortOrder (anything before the first "<" in sort/cp*.txt)
means the character is ignored by the key sort and,
so TERTIARY and EQUAL can give different answers. 

Attached is mdrUnicode_v9a.patch that generates a fake sortOrder only
for rows where no sortOrders are defined, instead of for anything in
Unicode with no/0 sortOrder.

With this patch it becomes possible for Unicode to trigger the original
problem again."
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