Hi Ticker,

while experimenting with the index and unicode I found a rather simple case 
that doesn't work as expected.
I've attached a small example file and a patch for the default style. 
A map produced with these options and the patched style 
--style-file=d:\mkgmap\resources\styles\default   --lower-case 
--preserve-element-order --code-page=1252 --gmapi --index --housenumbers 
--bounds=bounds.zip bad-search.osm
produces a map that shows an error in the POI search.
I search for name=abc123x in region Bayern and get the correct result list of 
three different restaurants named abc123x.
I search for name=abc123x in region reg1 and get the correct result list of 
three different restaurants named abc123x.
Now I also fill the search field city with Burgpreppach.
with name=abc123x in city Burgpreppach and region Bayern the result is still 
with name=abc123x in city Burgpreppach and region reg1 the result is not 
correct, it also lists the objects in region Bayern

So far I found no correction for this.  It also doesn't seem to depend on the 
lower-case option. Any idea?


Attachment: bad-search.osm
Description: bad-search.osm

Attachment: default.patch
Description: default.patch

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