Machine Learning List: Vol. 14, No. 5
                       Wednesday, July 10, 2002

  Calls for Papers and Meeting Announcments
    Call for Papers (IEEE CIFEr'2003)...
    Workshop - Call for Contributions
    CFP: Genomic Signal Processing
    CFP: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
  Other Items of Interest
    CAGED (Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Dynamics)
    ECCBR-2002 First Call for Participation

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning.  Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

In general, submissions should be no more than a few full-screens of
text.  For meeting announcements, highlight the conference or workshop
web page and give a summary description of the goals of the event.
Information such as the list of program committee members, talk
schedules, and registration forms are unnecessary and should not be
included.  Job adds are usually no more than a few full-screens so
they should fit naturally.


Subject: CFP: Special Session on E-BUSINESS & THE INTELLIGENT WEB 
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 00:38:42 +1000

       CFP: Special Session on E-BUSINESS & THE INTELLIGENT WEB

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                          Special session on
         2003 International Conference on Intelligent Agents,
                Web Technologies and Internet Commerce
                         in Conjunction with
   2003 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for
                  Modelling, Control and Automation

Intelligent web applications will have a large impact on the way
e-business is conducted in the future. Intelligent web applications is
currently aimed mostly at supporting intelligent Information
retrieval, information-management and data mining over the web.

The goal of this special session is to bring together researchers and
practitioners of the e-business and intelligent web applications
together to present and discuss the latest applications in these

The topics of the special session are:
 - Intelligent web applications
 - Information retrieval
 - Knowledge Discovery
 - Web data mining
 - intelligent search engines
 - E-business and agents
 - Multiagent Information Gathering
 - Multi-agents systems for e-business
 - Agent-based Supply Chains

 - Information Agents and Electronic Commerce
 - Agent-Based Marketplaces
 - Agents application for online-Auctions
 - E-Management and E-Control with Agents
 - E-Trade and E-Marketplace with Agents
 - E-Payment and E-Banking with Agents
 - Financial & Investment Agent-Based Applications

Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, 
correctness, and clarity of presentation. Extended draft papers (4 pages or 
more) should be submitted to the following e-mail or postal address:
E-mail submission of draft papers: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Postal Submission of draft papers:
IAWTIC'2003 Secretariat
School of Computing, University of Canberra
Canberra, 2614, Australia

20 September 2002 Submission of draft papers
28 October 2002 Notification of acceptance
22 November 2002 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
12-14 February 2003 Conference (special sessions)


Subject: Call for Papers (IEEE CIFEr'2003)...
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 13:00:16 +0800

   IEEE 2003 International Conference on Computational Intelligence
                for Financial Engineering (CIFEr2003)
                     March 21-23, 2003, Hong Kong
              Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

            Sponsored by IEEE Neural Network Society (NNS)
Organized by The Computational Finance Tech. Committee in Co-operation
                     with IEEE Hong Kong Section

                           Call For Papers
                 (Submission Deadline: July 31, 2002)

The CIFEr Conference is the major collaboration between the
professional engineering and financial communities. It is one of the
leading forums for new technologies and applications at the
intersection of advanced computational methods and financial
engineering. Intelligent computational techniques have the potential
to impact many financial applications, from portfolio selection to
proprietary trading to risk management.  Topics include but are not
limited to:
-  Financial Engineering
-  Risk Management
-  Derivatives Pricing
-  Portfolio Management and Asset Allocation
-  Behavioral Finance
-  Stock Valuation
-  Market Analysis, Dynamics and Simulation
-  Hedging, Trading and Arbitrage Strategies
-  Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
-  High Frequency Financial Data
-  Financial Model Calibration
-  Credit Risk
-  Energy Markets and Weather Derivatives
-  Hedge Fund Styles and Performance Analysis
-  Computational Economics & Agent-Based Markets
-  Econo-Physics
-  Automated News Analysis
-  E-Finance and E-Trade
-  Computational Methods for Financial Applications
-  Non-parametric Statistics & Econometrics
-  Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
-  Machine Learning
-  Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition
-  Fuzzy Systems and Rough Sets
-  Genetic and Evolutionary Computing
-  Dynamic Optimization and Optimal Control
-  Expert Systems and Decision Support
-  Natural Language Processing
-  Simulation and Monte Carlo
-  Advanced Numerical Methods
-  Agent-Based Computing
-  Non-linear Dynamics

Submission of Papers:                July 31, 2002
Notification of Acceptance:          December 1, 2002
Final Camera-Ready Papers:           January 6, 2003

Please visit the conference web site at for instructions
on the manuscript format and submission details.


From: "MARTINS, Maria Cleci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Workshop - Call for Contributions
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 17:47:57 +0100 

                           CALL FOR PAPERS
                         01-04 December 2002
                           Santiago, Chile

The workshop aims at discussing the rule of optimization and knowledge
modelling to design effective  web services compositions from the business
point of view.

Extended Abstract Submissions due:      July 30, 2002   
Acceptance notifications:       August 10, 2002 
Camera-ready paper due:         August 20, 2002 
HIS'02: December 1-4, 2002      


Subject: CFP: Genomic Signal Processing
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 14:20:02 -0500 (CDT)

                           CALL FOR PAPERS
                      GENOMIC SIGNAL PROCESSING

Dramatic advances in genome research (i.e., the sequencing of the
human genome and DNA microarray/gene chip technology) in recent years
have produced huge volumes of data, offering great potential for
diagnosis of disease and drug discovery. The acquisition, storage,
analysis, and visualization of these abundant data require the state
of the art computing techniques and thus give rise to many challenging
problems. They also offer exciting opportunities for the design of new
signal/image processing theories and algorithms. Signal processing
techniques have been playing an important role in this
cross-disciplinary area of bioinformatics, with significant impact on
the science of bio-medical imaging and diagnosis of disease.

We invite submission of manuscripts that address the state of the art
of genomic data analysis using novel signal/image processing
approaches.  Suggested topics include:
* Genomic image data compression
* Gene expression pattern comparison using statistical signal processing
* Developing high-resolution imaging methods for gene data acquisition
* Novel signal/image models for genomic data  representations and
* Neural network and other data mining techniques in the gene expression
  data clustering
* Automated spot identification and segmentation methods in microarray image
* Pattern classification for chromosome, FISH and M-FISH images
* High-throughput  hardware/software to large scale genome computation

The special issue will give particular attention to contributions
describing signal-processing methods with a thorough clinical
evaluation.  VLSI Signal processing seeks high quality research papers
for this special issue. The use of signal/image processing approaches
in the genomic data analysis should be well motivated with respect to
medical significance. The advantages of signal processing based tools
should be emphasized.

All authors should submit five copies of their manuscripts and figures
by December 1, 2002 to the editorial office, with an indication on
this special issue. The instruction for authors is available at the
journal's website (
Authors intending to submit articles are encouraged to discuss their
submissions with the Guest Editors.

Submission of manuscripts: December 1, 2002
Acceptance/rejection notification: March 1, 2003
Revised manuscript: May 1, 2003
Publication: late 2003 (tentative)


From: esann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 17:42:56 +0200

                      CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS

                       11th European Symposium
                    on Artificial Neural Networks

               Bruges (Belgium) - April 23-24-25, 2003

The ESANN'2003 conference European Symposium on Artificial Neural
Networks) will take place in Bruges (Belgium), on April 23-25, 2003.
Please have a look to for details.

Proposals for special sessions are solicited. Details on special
sessions (what are the role, advantages and duties of special session
organizers) are available at


From: Marco Ramoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  CAGED (Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Dynamics)
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 13:55:36 -0400

         CAGED (Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Dynamics)
             Version 1.0 for MS Windows 9x/NT/ME/2000/XP

This is to announce the availability of CAGED (Cluster Analysis of
Gene Expression Dynamics) Version 1.0 for MS Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP).
CAGED is a computer program for cluster analysis of gene expression
data collected through microarray experiments.

CAGED implements a Bayesian clustering method designed to handle
temporal experiments and subsuming standard independent experiments as
a special case. The method implemented by CAGED is described in:
M. Ramoni, P. Sebastiani and I. Kohane. Cluster Analysis of Gene
Expression Dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Published online before
print on June 24, 2002.

CAGED 1.0 requires MS Windows 9x/NT/ME/2000/XP,512MB RAM (1GB
recommended) and 20MB of free disk space.

CAGED is developed by the Children's Hospital Informatics Program,
Harvard Medical School and the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The program is
available for educational and research purposes to non-profit
organizations from


From: Susan Craw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ECCBR-2002 First Call for Participation
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 14:47:38 +0100

                        Call for Participation
            6th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
                          Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
                            4-7 September 2002

ECCBR 2002 is the 6th European Conference on Case-Based
Reasoning. This four day conference will be held at The Robert Gordon
University in Scotland's granite city, Aberdeen. The program will
start with the ECCBR Industry Day and three workshops on 4 September,
followed by the three day conference of invited talks, presentations
and posters on both theoretical and applied research in CBR.

Presentations will range widely across subjects concerning case-based
reasoning (e.g., adaptation, applications, case knowledge maintenance,
e-commerce, interactive systems, knowledge acquisition, knowledge
management, learning, multiagent collaborative systems,
representations, similarity, soft computing, textual CBR) that should
interest both practitioners and researchers alike.  The accepted
papers are listed on the conference website, and outlines of Industry
Day and the workshops will appear soon. The conference site also lists
suggested accommodations, conference organization details, travel
hints and other related information.

The deadline for the early conference registration fee is Friday 19 July
2002. The hotel deadline for blocked rooms is Friday, 12 July 2002;
hotel prices may rise after this deadline. 

Please see the conference website for the registration form and
additional details.  We look forward to welcoming you to Aberdeen!

Susan Craw (The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Alun Preece (University of Aberdeen, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
ECCBR Chairs


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 14, No. 5

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