Machine Learning List: Vol. 16, No. 10
                        Monday, June 21, 2004

  Calls for Papers/Participation
    MBR04 extended deadline
    CFP: KD in Data Streams, ECML 2004, Deadline extended
    First Announcement: Pascal Challenge
    2nd call: MLJ special issue on MRDM and SRL
    Invitation to IPSI-2004 VENICE and IPSI-2004 PRAGUE
    ICANNGA 2005 - Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
    CFP: Evolutionary Computation and Games
    NIPS 2004 Call for Workshops
  Career Opportunities
    Machine Learning Postdoc at UIUC

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning.  Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules.  Also, only first calls for papers/participation
and brief change of deadline announcements will be included.  The ML
List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet
these criteria.


From: Lorenzo Magnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MBR04 extended deadline
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 22:09:49 +0200

EXTENDED DEADLINE - Deadline June 20, 2004

               Pavia, Italy, December 16-18, 2004
                       Chair: Lorenzo Magnani

                      Up-to date information
               on the conference will be found at


Submission deadline.....................  June 20, 2004
Notification of acceptance..............Sept 15, 2004
Conference............................. Dec 16-18, 2004
Final papers......................due.. February 15, 2005


From: jgama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: KD in Data Streams, ECML 2004, Deadline extended
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:14:30 +0100

Deadline Extended

First International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Data Streams 24
September 2004, Pisa, Italy


in conjunction with ECML/PKDD 2004:
The 15th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) and
The 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge
Discovery in Databases (PKDD),

Important Dates

      Submission deadline: June 21, 2004
      Notification of acceptance: July 12, 2004
      Camera-ready copies due: July 26, 2004


From: Fabio Ciravegna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: First Announcement: Pascal Challenge
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:58:17 +0100

First Announcement and Call for Participation in the Pascal Challenge
on Evaluating Machine Learning for Information Extraction from

The Dot.Kom European project and the Pascal Network of Excellence invite 
you in participating in the Challenge on Evaluation of Machine Learning 
for Information Extraction from Documents. Goal of the challenge is to
assess the current situation concerning Machine Learning (ML) algorithms 
for Information Extraction (IE), identifying future challenges and to
foster additional research in the field. Given a corpus of annotated
documents, the participants will be expected to perform a number of 
tasks; each examining different aspects of the learning process. Full
description of the challenge can be found at


Participants from different fields such as machine learning, text 
mining, and natural language processing are welcome. Participation in
the challenge is free. After registration, participant will receive
the corpus of documents to train on and the precise instructions on
the tasks to be performed. At an established date, participants will
be required to submit their systems' answers via a Web portal. An
automatic scorer will compute the accuracy of extraction. A paper must
be produced in order to describe the system and the results obtained.
Results of the challenge will be discussed in a dedicated workshop.


- 30th June 2004: Registration starts: formal definition of the tasks, 
  annotated corpus and evaluation server will be made available to 
- 15th October 2004: Formal evaluation
- November 2004: Presentation of evaluation at Pascal workshop

Further Information

For further details about the challenge, visit

For general enquiries about the challenge and its motivations, contact
Fabio Ciravegna ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). For details about
participation, registration and technical queries, please contact 
Neil Ireson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).


From: Hendrik Blockeel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2nd call: MLJ special issue on MRDM and SRL
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 09:49:53 +0200 (MEST)

MLJ special issue on Multi-relational Data Mining and Statistical
Relational Learning - deadlines 6/30 (abstract), 7/31 (paper) See also

            Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on
                 Multi-relational Data Mining and
                 Statistical Relational Learning
                          Call for Papers


There has been an increasing interest in relational learning and
relational data mining during the last few years, as witnessed by, for
instance, the IJCAI-2003 Workshop on Learning Statistical Models from
Relational Data and the KDD-2003 Workshop on Multi-Relational Data
Mining. Following the success of these workshops, the Machine Learning
Journal invites authors to submit papers for a Special Issue on
Multi-Relational Data Mining and Statistical Relational Learning.

This special issue will follow a special issue on Inductive Logic
Programming.  As a rule, we encourage researchers whose contribution
lies entirely within the field of inductive logic programming to
submit to that issue.

Contributors to SRL-2003 and MRDM-2003 are in particular invited to
submit a paper, but the special issue is open to everyone.  Each
submission will be reviewed according to the standards of the Machine
Learning Journal.


         Titles and short abstracts due:  June 30, 2004
                             Papers due:  July 31, 2004
                    Author notification:  November 30, 2004
  Final versions of accepted papers due:  January 31, 2005
                            Publication:  Mid 2005


Hendrik Blockeel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
David Jensen (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Stefan Kramer (Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany)


Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Instructions for
submission can be found at

In the text of your electronic submission, please explicitly state
that the paper is for the special issue on Multi-Relational Data
Mining and Statistical Relational Learning. In addition to submitting
the paper to


please also submit to the guest editors:


All inquiries regarding this special issue should be directed to the
guest editors.


From: Jorge Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICANNGA 2005 - Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 17:46:11 +0100

ICANNGA 2005 - 7th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural
Computing Algorithms

to be held at University of Coimbra,
Portugal, March 21st to 23rd, 2005
ICANNGA05 Web page:

C A L L  F O R  P A P E R S

The focus of ICANNGA is on both the theoretical aspects and also on
the practical applications of computational paradigms inspired by
adaptive and natural processes, with special emphasis on adaptive and
machine learning systems, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms,
fuzzy systems, support vector machines, biological computation and
quantum computing. It is expected that the conference will be preceded 
by a day of tutorials on 20th March 2005.

Contributions are sought in the following (nonexhaustive) topic list: 
- Neural Networks: architectures, algorithms, learning theory,
  approximation, complexity, biological foundations,computational
  neuroscience, neurodynamics, associative memory, cognitive science,
  neurocognition, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, kernel
  learning, support vector machines, independent component analysis

- Evolutionary Computation: genetic algorithms, genetic programming,
  biological computation, classifier systems, artificial life, artificial 
  immune systems, particle swarm intelligence, evolution strategies, ant 
  colony optimization, swarm intelligence, evolvable hardware

- Soft Computing: fuzzy systems, fuzzy dynamical systems, uncertain
  systems, hybrid systems, neuro-fuzzy controllers, genetic learning of
  neural networks, embedded computing for intelligent systems, real-time
  computational intelligence, probabilistic computing, chaotic computing, 
  machine learning

- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: molecular computing, DNA
  computing, bioinformatics databases, computational genomics,
  computational proteomics, clustering, mapping gene expression and
  micro arrays, gene identification and anotation, molecular evolution,
  molecular sequence analysis, protein structure

- Quantum Computing: quantum control, supercomputing, autonomic computing, 
  data mining of scientific data, grid computing, advanced algorithms

- Applications: medicine, prediction of atmospheric pollution and
  weather forecasting, quantitative socio-dynamics, pattern recognition,
  signal processing, control, simulation, robotics, transport, defence,
  security, environment, finance and business, data mining and
  intelligent databases, speech recognition and natural language,
  intelligent image processing and computer vision

The official conference language is English. The conference proceedings 
will be published by Springer-Verlag (Vienna). 

Contributed papers, invited sessions and tutorial proposals are solicited. 
Authors should submit a full paper of their proposed contribution
before 15th September 2004. Contributed papers and papers for invited
sessions must comply with the Springer-Verlag conference format
( should not exceed 4 two-column
pages. Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in PDF or
Postscript format through the conference Web site. For instructions
on how to propose an invited session, see the conference Web site.


-  Submission of tutorials and invited session proposals: 30th July 2004
-  Submission of draft papers: 15th September 2004
-  Notification of acceptance: 15th November 2004
-  Delivery of camera-ready papers: 15th December 2004
-  Conference dates: 21st, 22nd and 23rd, March 2005


From: Alan Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Evolutionary Computation and Games
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 19:14:20 +1000 (EST)

Call for Papers
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
Special Issue: Evolutionary Computation and Games
Guest Editors: Alan Blair, David Fogel and Risto Miikkulainen

One of the fundamental mathematical constructs is the game. Formally,
two or more players (of which one may be "nature" or "environment")
have resources to deploy and receive payoffs based on their deployments. 
Each player may desire to maximize his or her immediate or long-term 
payoff, or it may be concerned with more complex issues that relate 
to other players (e.g., maximize collective payoff, ensure minimizing
payoff to an opponent).

Evolutionary computation has proven to be an interesting and
effective tool in machine learning to address games of many forms.
These include the iterated prisoner's dilemma, standard board games,
military simulations, and other instances. Evolutionary algorithms
have been used to learn effective strategies against both fixed and
simultaneously evolving opponents (co-evolution), in cases of
complete and also incomplete, uncertain, and noisy information about
the environment of the game. Many open issues have been identified -
including but not limited to: the selection of evolvable represen-
tations, choosing opponents effectively to promote evolutionary
learning, comparison of evolution and other learning methods, and the
requirements for sustained co-evolutionary arms races and open-ended
evolution. The special issue will entertain submissions in all areas
of evolutionary computation and games. Substantially extended and
revised conference papers will also be considered.


 * Submission:       July 31, 2004
 * Final Decisions:  Jan  31, 2005
 * Publication date: Summer,  2005


Authors are invited to submit papers following the guidelines at Electronic submission (PDF format) is
preferred, by email to one of the guest editors:

Alan Blair         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
David Fogel        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Risto Miikkulainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hardcopy submissions will also be accepted, at this address:

David B. Fogel
Natural Selection, Inc.
3333 N. Torrey Pines Ct., Suite 200
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA


From: John Platt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NIPS 2004 Call for Workshops
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 13:41:53 -0700

Neural Information Processing Systems --- Natural and Synthetic
Friday, December 17 --- Saturday, December 18, 2004
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Deadline for Workshop Proposals: August 1, 2004

Following the regular program of the Neural Information Processing
Systems 2004 Conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada, workshops on various
current topics in Neural Information Processing will be held on
December 17 and 18, 2004, in Whistler, BC, Canada. We invite researchers 
interested in chairing one of these workshops to submit proposals for
possible workshops. The goal of the workshops is to provide an
informal forum for researchers to discuss important research questions
and challenges. Controversial issues, open problems, and comparisons
of competing approaches are encouraged and preferred as workshop
topics.  Representation of alternative viewpoints and panel-style
discussions are also particularly encouraged. Workshop topics include,
but are not limited to, the following:

Active Learning, Attention, Audition, Bayesian Networks, Bayesian
Statistics, Benchmarking, Bioinformatics, Brain Imaging, Computational
Complexity, Control, Genetic Algorithms, Graphical Models, Hippocampus
and Memory, Human-Computer Interfaces, Hybrid Supervised/Unsupervised
Learning, Implementations, Independent Component Analysis, Kernel
Methods, Mean-Field Methods, Music, Network Dynamics, Neural Coding,
Neural Plasticity, On-Line Learning, Optimization, Recurrent Nets,
Robotics, Rule Extraction, Self-Organization, Sensory Biophysics,
Signal Processing, Spike Timing, Speech, Time Series, Topological
Maps, and Vision.

Detailed descriptions of previous workshops may be found at: under Previous Conferences.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Interested parties must submit a proposal 
for a workshop via email by August 1,2004. Proposals should include a
title, description of what the workshop is to address and accomplish,
proposed workshop length (1 or 2 days), planned format (e.g., lectures, 
group discussions, panel discussion, combinations of the above, etc.),
and proposed speakers. Names of potential invitees should be given
where possible. Preference will be given to workshops that reserve a
significant portion of time for open discussion or panel discussion,
as opposed to a pure "mini-conference" format. An example format is: 
* Tutorial lecture providing background and introducing terminology
relevant to the topic * Discussion or panel presentation * Short talks 
or panels alternating with discussion and question/answer sessions 
* General discussion and wrap-up.

Submissions should include the name, address, email address, phone and
fax numbers for all organizers. If there is more than one organizer,
please designate one organizer as the primary contact.

Proposals should be emailed as plain text to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(please do not use attachments, Word, postscript, html, or PDF files)

Questions may be emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Dan Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Machine Learning Postdoc at UIUC
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 08:50:07 -0500

Machine Learning and NLP Post-Doc at UIUC

I am looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the areas of Natural
Language processing, Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning for a project on the use of Learning, Knowledge Representation 
and Inference techniques in the context of question-answering systems.

Prospective candidates should apply with a cover letter, CV, statement
of research interests and accomplishments, and names and email
addresses of 3 references. Please sent these, preferably by email, 
to: Kim Osmond Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (217) 244-4675

The ideal starting day is in the summer of 2004 but is flexible, and
the duration at this point is 2 years.

To get more information about the Machine Learning and NLP program
at UIUC please consult my (outdated) web page, the Beckman Institute
pages ( as well as information in:

Dan Roth


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 16, No. 10

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