I've got the bimorphic method handle inline working.  I was doing something 
stupid at the beginning which is why it wasn't as easy as I expected to be and 
then I encountered a stupid API which wasted a little more time.  I was able to 
leverage the existing  invokedynamic call site cache code generation and just 
generate a different guard.  Ignoring the flag soup below, the first is without 
invokedynamic, second is with and third is with bimorphic inline for 

( setenv _JAVA_OPTIONS "-XX:-PrintCompilation 
-Xbootclasspath/p:/export/ws/twisti/meth.jar -XX:+UseNewCode -Xbatch 
-XX:-UseNewCode2 -XX:-LogCompilation -XX:-PrintInlining" ; setenv JAVA_HOME 
/export/ws/indy/i586/jdk1.7.0 ; ./bin/jruby --server 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 5 35 )               
  2.006000   0.000000   2.006000 (  1.856000)
  1.391000   0.000000   1.391000 (  1.391000)
  1.386000   0.000000   1.386000 (  1.386000)
  1.386000   0.000000   1.386000 (  1.386000)
  1.385000   0.000000   1.385000 (  1.385000)

( setenv _JAVA_OPTIONS "-XX:-PrintCompilation 
-Xbootclasspath/p:/export/ws/twisti/meth.jar -XX:+UseNewCode -Xbatch 
-XX:-UseNewCode2 -XX:-LogCompilation -XX:-PrintInlining" ; setenv JAVA_HOME 
/export/ws/indy/i586/jdk1.7.0 ; ./bin/jruby --server 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=true bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 5 35 )
  4.235000   0.000000   4.235000 (  4.086000)
  3.689000   0.000000   3.689000 (  3.689000)
  3.687000   0.000000   3.687000 (  3.688000)
  3.680000   0.000000   3.680000 (  3.680000)
  3.680000   0.000000   3.680000 (  3.680000)

( setenv _JAVA_OPTIONS "-XX:-PrintCompilation 
-Xbootclasspath/p:/export/ws/twisti/meth.jar -XX:+UseNewCode -Xbatch 
-XX:+UseNewCode2 -XX:-LogCompilation -XX:-PrintInlining" ; setenv JAVA_HOME 
/export/ws/indy/i586/jdk1.7.0 ; ./bin/jruby --server 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=true bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 5 35 )Picked up 
  2.103000   0.000000   2.103000 (  1.950000)
  1.281000   0.000000   1.281000 (  1.281000)
  1.275000   0.000000   1.275000 (  1.274000)
  1.279000   0.000000   1.279000 (  1.279000)
  1.288000   0.000000   1.288000 (  1.288000)

The changes are at http://javaweb.sfbay.sun.com/~never/webrev/bim.  Maybe John 
can put together an mlvm patch for it.  I'm not quite sure how to do so.

There are still some minor improvements that can be made.  The test part ends 
up looking like:

  if ((test ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE).value())

We need to treat more of those values as constants and split the loads up to 
fold it away.


On May 25, 2011, at 12:14 PM, John Rose wrote:

> On May 25, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Build in progress! I'll let you know how it goes. How low is low in "low 
>> arity"?
> About 0-9.
> Let's find the next bottleneck!
> -- John
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