On May 26, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 1:58 AM, Tom Rodriguez <tom.rodrig...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
>> but test is some ugly goo because of boxing.  It's relatively easy to get 
>> the optimizer to fold away the boxing for boolean but sadly it doesn't help 
>> the performance at all.  Additionally that ends up touching a fair amount of 
>> common code which makes it a little more risky for 7.
> It is definitely frustrating to see that perf has degraded so much the
> past couple weeks and still not be there with the reverted code. I'm
> hoping your fix will help bring the promised ricochet perf to JRuby,
> but so far we're a long way off from what perf looked like on earlier
> builds. There must be something more obvious than boolean box
> folding...perhaps obvious enough we're not seeing it yet.

I also did some performance testing.  I used a recent HS repository, applied 
Tom's patch, used a recent meth.jar provided by John and this is what I got:

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/jruby$ bin/jruby.sh -J-Xbootclasspath/p:meth.jar --server 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 10 35
  1.107000   0.000000   1.107000 (  1.078000)
  0.982000   0.000000   0.982000 (  0.982000)
  0.981000   0.000000   0.981000 (  0.981000)
  0.980000   0.000000   0.980000 (  0.980000)
  0.980000   0.000000   0.980000 (  0.980000)
  0.979000   0.000000   0.979000 (  0.979000)
  0.980000   0.000000   0.980000 (  0.980000)
  0.980000   0.000000   0.980000 (  0.980000)
  0.989000   0.000000   0.989000 (  0.989000)
  0.979000   0.000000   0.979000 (  0.979000)

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/jruby$ bin/jruby.sh -J-Xbootclasspath/p:meth.jar --server 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false -Xcompile.dynopt=true 
bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 10 35
  0.895000   0.000000   0.895000 (  0.864000)
  0.761000   0.000000   0.761000 (  0.761000)
  0.763000   0.000000   0.763000 (  0.763000)
  0.763000   0.000000   0.763000 (  0.763000)
  0.763000   0.000000   0.763000 (  0.763000)
  0.765000   0.000000   0.765000 (  0.765000)
  0.764000   0.000000   0.764000 (  0.764000)
  0.762000   0.000000   0.762000 (  0.762000)
  0.772000   0.000000   0.772000 (  0.772000)
  0.762000   0.000000   0.762000 (  0.762000)

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/jruby$ bin/jruby.sh -J-Xbootclasspath/p:meth.jar --server 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=true bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 10 35
  1.074000   0.000000   1.074000 (  1.045000)
  0.929000   0.000000   0.929000 (  0.928000)
  0.925000   0.000000   0.925000 (  0.925000)
  0.925000   0.000000   0.925000 (  0.925000)
  0.924000   0.000000   0.924000 (  0.924000)
  0.923000   0.000000   0.923000 (  0.923000)
  0.923000   0.000000   0.923000 (  0.923000)
  0.935000   0.000000   0.935000 (  0.935000)
  0.926000   0.000000   0.926000 (  0.926000)
  0.920000   0.000000   0.920000 (  0.920000)

Here are the numbers from April 28 on the same machine:


Although I can't remember if the invokedynamic numbers were with or without the 
guard-removal-hack I tried at that time (I think without, because with the hack 
the numbers should be very similar to dynopt, see: 

Using Tom's new code doesn't make a difference since I think the meth.jar from 
John includes the reverted GWT code.

A quick check on bench_string_ops.rb shows that a couple of numbers are better 
but some are worse, especially string == comparison (compare with 

intelsdv07:~/mlvm/jruby$ bin/jruby.sh -J-Xbootclasspath/p:meth.jar --server 
-Xcompile.invokedynamic=true -J-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions 
-J-XX:+UseNewCode2 bench/bench_string_ops.rb Measure string array sort time
  2.726000   0.000000   2.726000 (  2.698000)
  2.651000   0.000000   2.651000 (  2.651000)
  2.648000   0.000000   2.648000 (  2.648000)
  2.647000   0.000000   2.647000 (  2.647000)
  2.632000   0.000000   2.632000 (  2.632000)
Measure hash put time
  0.184000   0.000000   0.184000 (  0.184000)
  0.096000   0.000000   0.096000 (  0.096000)
  0.096000   0.000000   0.096000 (  0.096000)
  0.100000   0.000000   0.100000 (  0.100000)
  0.093000   0.000000   0.093000 (  0.093000)
Measure hash get time (note: not same scale as put test)
  0.364000   0.000000   0.364000 (  0.364000)
  0.251000   0.000000   0.251000 (  0.250000)
  0.251000   0.000000   0.251000 (  0.251000)
  0.258000   0.000000   0.258000 (  0.258000)
  0.250000   0.000000   0.250000 (  0.250000)
Measure string == comparison time
  0.511000   0.000000   0.511000 (  0.511000)
  0.314000   0.000000   0.314000 (  0.314000)
  0.309000   0.000000   0.309000 (  0.309000)
  0.310000   0.000000   0.310000 (  0.310000)
  0.310000   0.000000   0.310000 (  0.310000)
Measure string == comparison time, different last pos
  0.549000   0.000000   0.549000 (  0.549000)
  0.367000   0.000000   0.367000 (  0.366000)
  0.367000   0.000000   0.367000 (  0.367000)
  0.368000   0.000000   0.368000 (  0.368000)
  0.372000   0.000000   0.372000 (  0.372000)
Measure string <=> comparison time
  0.435000   0.000000   0.435000 (  0.435000)
  0.216000   0.000000   0.216000 (  0.216000)
  0.218000   0.000000   0.218000 (  0.218000)
  0.216000   0.000000   0.216000 (  0.216000)
  0.217000   0.000000   0.217000 (  0.217000)
Measure 'string'.index(fixnum) time
  0.358000   0.000000   0.358000 (  0.358000)
  0.215000   0.000000   0.215000 (  0.215000)
  0.215000   0.000000   0.215000 (  0.215000)
  0.216000   0.000000   0.216000 (  0.216000)
  0.214000   0.000000   0.214000 (  0.214000)
Measure 'string'.index(str) time
  0.546000   0.000000   0.546000 (  0.546000)
  0.388000   0.000000   0.388000 (  0.388000)
  0.387000   0.000000   0.387000 (  0.387000)
  0.390000   0.000000   0.390000 (  0.391000)
  0.390000   0.000000   0.390000 (  0.390000)
Measure 'string'.rindex(fixnum) time
  0.348000   0.000000   0.348000 (  0.348000)
  0.226000   0.000000   0.226000 (  0.226000)
  0.225000   0.000000   0.225000 (  0.225000)
  0.229000   0.000000   0.229000 (  0.229000)
  0.225000   0.000000   0.225000 (  0.225000)
Measure 'string'.rindex(str) time
  0.763000   0.000000   0.763000 (  0.763000)
  0.623000   0.000000   0.623000 (  0.623000)
  0.622000   0.000000   0.622000 (  0.622000)
  0.623000   0.000000   0.623000 (  0.623000)
  0.621000   0.000000   0.621000 (  0.621000)

-- Christian
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