Am 01.12.2011 00:35, schrieb Rémi Forax:
> The only way I see to avoid that is to not load the meta-class
> until someone reference them so you can compile this example
> to System.out.println(2) and if there is a ref to a meta-class somewhere,
> discard the code and recompile it with meta-class check.

In my example it is more that I have to compile against 
groovy.lang.Script#println, but anyway... in the general case it is 
afaik impossible to compile directly if I have a x.y(a,b) in Groovy. 
Only in certain special cases this is different. And if I cannot go the 
direct path, I need the meta class. For my primitive opts in 1.8 I 
wanted to be able to run a program, that does only calculations and 
internal method calls, to be able to run without any meta class being 
loaded. I think I didn't succeed fully... time did run out kind of.

> I do something like that in PHP.reboot but my unit of compilation
> is the method and not the class, which also avoid to compile a
> code you never use.


bye Jochen

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
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