
I'll walk into the trap of offering a solution.  While I'm not familiar with 
your implementation of SmallTalk, the array example might work like this 
(generic/loose java)

        // language stack
        public static TaggedArray stack = TaggedArrays.allocate(1024*1024);
        public static int TOS = -1;

        // value conversions
        long toValue(int i) { return ((long)i << TaggedArrays.SHIFT) | 
TaggedArrays.TAG; }
        int toInt(long v) { return (int)(v >> TaggedArrays.SHIFT) ; }

        // stack manipulation
        void pushObject(Object o) { stack.setReference(++TOS, o); }
        void pushInt(int i) { stack.setValue(++TOS, toValue(i)); }
        Object popObject() { stack.getReference(TOS--); }
        int popInt() { toInt(stack.getValue(TOS--)); }


        // push array on stack
        pushObject(new byte[10000]);
        // push index on stack
        // get the array element, leaving the result on the stack

        // work with the result
        int b = popInt(); 

The code for getArray might be something like (loose error handling)

        int i;
        Object a;

        try {
                i = popInt();
        } catch (TaggedArrayException | IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                // handle the fact it wasn't a value or underflow

        try {
                a = popObject();
        } catch (TaggedArrayException | IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                // handle the fact it wasn't an object or underflow


        if (a instanceof byte[]) {
                // get the byte array element
                long b = ((byte[])a)[i];
                // push result on the stack
        } else ...
Not the best of examples, but
- there are no boxed values involved here
- the JVM compiler would convert setValue/setReference/getValue/getReference to 
simple memory access, so will perform well
- the net result is very simple native code without a lot of runtime handling
- note: you can choose to encrypt "values" suitable for your language needs 
I'll see if we can set up a TaggedArray breakout session at the summit and run 
thru other possibilities.


-- Jim

On 2012-07-02, at 2:23 PM, Mark Roos wrote:

> From Jim 
> It occurred to me on that sleepless Monday night, that the solution for most 
> dynamic languages could be so much simpler.  First, we have to look at what 
> it is we really need.  Ultimately it's about boxing.  We want to avoid 
> allocating memory whenever we need to store a primitive value in an object.  
> Concerning ourselves with passing around tagged values in registers and 
> storing in stack frames is all red herring.  All that is needed is a 
> mechanism for storing tagged values (or compressed values) in a no-type slot 
> of a generic object.  Thinking about it in these terms isolates all issues to 
> a single array-like class, and thus simplifies implementation and simplifies 
> testing.  Instances of this class can be used as objects, as stack frames and 
> even full stacks.  A good percentage of a dynamic language needs are covered. 
> Just having spent the last year implementing Smalltalk on the JVM the issue 
> of boxing ( particularly for integers ) is of interest for me.  While I agree 
> with 
> your statement that allocating memory is the big issue,  I don't really 
> understand your comment about 'when we store a primitive'.  My most visible 
> issue 
> is in a 'for loop' like construct where I generate an index and use it to 
> access a byte array.  In this case I need to create both the index and the 
> byte accessed. 
> For instance scanning a million byte array requires that I create a million 
> indexes and then another million ( assuming no cache ) one for each byte 
> accessed.   
> These are all then discarded.  Its not clear to me how your proposal would 
> help here. 
> As I have thought about the boxing issue ( the Smalltalk I am using as a 
> reference has tagged integers ) I keep thinking that any jvm solution is 
> probably   
> going to have some 'java' or other target driven characteristics that make it 
> hard to use.  In my case I have a java class that all of my objects are 
> instances of. 
> If there were a 'tagged' object type then it would have to be able to 
> substitute as one of my instances,  hold or reference the same information 
> (like method lookups, class, shape etc ), exist on the stack or in a temp,  
> be testable in a GWT .... 
> Here I agree with you that making this work in the JVM is probably too 
> difficult. 
> So my thoughts are back to how to have a boxed primitive with no allocation 
> overhead unless it is saved or accessed outside of a thread, in other words 
> how to reuse the box.  I can do this for some situations where I can prove 
> the scope but I have yet to figure out a general solution. 
> So while I can see a use for mixing references and primitives in an array it 
> has not shown up in my work as amajor issue.  Perhaps this is due to my not 
> keeping parallel stacks? 
> In any case hope to hear more on this at the summit 
> regards 
> mark 
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