On Jul 10, 2012, at 2:12 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:

> I think backtrace filtering, should be enhanced by adding a new method
> attribute in the bytecode that indicates if a method should be visible 
> or not
> when dumping a stacktrace and a display name that should be used
> instead of the bytecode method name.
> This may reduce the need of stacktrace post-processing and makes Charles 
> happy.

I'm don't think we've identified a sweet spot yet, but I encourage people to 
experiment.  Eventually such a thing could make its way into a JSR (maybe in a 

One problem with mixed mode systems is that a method like 
"executeMyLanguagesInterpretedMethodUntilItGetsCompiled" wants to display a 
method name based on some value inside the frame itself.  Simply filtering or 
renaming JVM methods does not cover this case at all.

— John
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