On Oct 17, 2012, at 8:33 AM, David Chase <david.r.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:

> On 2012-10-16, at 8:53 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter <head...@headius.com> wrote:
>> So *almost* everything is inlining, but one path (I believe it's the
>> failure path from GWT after talking with Christian) is not reached.
>> Because Hotspot's EA can't do partial EA, any unfollowed paths that
>> would receive the allocated object have to be considered escapes, and
>> so anywhere we're doing guarded logic (either in indy or in Java code,
>> like Fixnum overflow checks) the unfollowed paths prevent EA from
>> happening. Boo-hoo.
>> Thoughts?
> I'm very new to this (have not even looked at the source code to Hotspot 
> yet), but is it possible
> to push the allocation/boxing to paths that are believed to be rarely taken?

That's what partial EA does.  I'm trying to get Vladimir to work on it and it 
seems I'm successful.

-- Chris

>   This is not unlike
> region-based register allocation, where register allocation is limited to 
> what are believe to be
> the hot regions, and worry about region exits later -- if necessary, you can 
> always spill there. 

> David
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