
Thanks very much for your quick response!

It turns out there is a fairly simple workaround. I searched on
"saxparseexception" and "nbsp",
and found this is a known issue with XSLT. Fortunately, it's easy to


instead of


I find that three spaces makes a comfortable indent.

While I'm here, it's also worth mentioning that _all_ HTML tags seem
to need to be surrounded with < and >
instead of < and >, if you're making an XML file to import into
Mnemosyne. For instance, I had many <i> and </i> tags,
and they simply vanished. But if I change these to &lt;i&gt; and &lt;/
i&gt; in the XML source file, they remain.
This should probably be mentioned on the "formatting" doc page, too,
as it might cause a bit of frustration. :)

Anyhow, thanks again!

Bill Powell

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