Shahyar, Juliusz, Trevor, Kaldari, Roan and I sat down yesterday and
talked about the future of skins. Hopefully this mail summarises what
we talked about and what we agreed on. Feel free to add anything, or
ask any questions in the likely event that I've misinterpreted
something we talked about or this is unclear :)

Specifically we talked about how we are unhappy with how difficult it
currently is for developers to create a skin. The skin class involves
too many functions and does more than a skin should do e.g. manage
classes on the body, worry about script tags and style tags.

Trevor is going to create a base set of widgets, for example a list
generator to generate things like a list of links to user tools. The
widgets will be agnostic to how they are rendered - some may use
templates, some may not.

We identified the new skin system will have two long term goals:
1) We would like to get to the point where a new skin can be built by
simply copying and pasting a master template and writing a new css
2) Should be possible for us in future to re-render an entire page via
JavaScript and using the modern history push state re-render any page
via the API. (Whether we'd want to do this is another consideration
but we would like to have an architecture that is powerful enough to
support such a thing)

As next steps we agreed to do the following:

1) Trevor is going to build a watch star widget on client and server.
We identified that the existing watch star code is poorly written and
has resulted in MobileFrontend rewriting it. We decided to target this
as it is a simple enough example that it doesn't need a template. It's
small and contained enough that we hope this will allow us to share
ideas and codify a lot of those. Trevor is hoping to begin working on
this the week of the 2nd September.

2) We need a templating system in core. Trevor is going to do some
research on server side templating systems. We hope that the
templating RFC [1] can get resolved however we are getting to a point
that we need one as soon as possible and do not want to be blocked by
the outcome of this RFC, especially given a mustache based templating
language can address all our current requirements.


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