Hi everyone,

We're thrilled to bring you our latest update to the Wikipedia Android
app[1][2], available now on the Google Play Store. Here are the highlights
from this release:

* Tabbed browsing! Pressing-and-holding a link now lets you open it in a
new tab, allowing you to keep reading the current article without losing
your place, and switch to the new tab when you're ready.  This can also be
done directly from Search results, Nearby results, "Similar Pages" links,
and "Read More" links. To view and manage your current list of open tabs,
press the Tabs button near the top-right corner, which will allow you to
switch to any tab in the list, create a new tab, or close a tab.

* Language selection from the Search bar! When searching from within the
app, you can now select the language of Wikipedia to be searched. By
default, the Wiki language in the app is set to the system language of your
Android device. But now, for our multilingual friends, you can quickly
change your preferred language by pressing the button next to the Search
field while searching.

* A slightly redesigned table-of-contents button: the button now appears at
the bottom right of the screen, and disappears a short time after you
scroll away from the top of the article. The button reappears if you start
scrolling quickly, or if you reach the top of the article again. (The table
of contents is also still accessible by swiping from the right edge of the

Additional minor enhancements include:
* Added and updated some more Material Design components in the app.
* Improved error handling and presentation of error messages throughout the
* Improved relevance of "read more" suggestions at the bottom of articles.
* Added option to view the current page in an external browser (at the
bottom of the article).
* Many more bug fixes and localization updates.[3]

Until next time, happy reading!


Dmitry Brant

Mobile Apps Team (Android)

Wikimedia Foundation

[1] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.wikipedia&hl=en
[3] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T107344
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