Thanks, Joaquin!

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 4:32 AM, Joaquin Oltra Hernandez <> wrote:

> Thanks a lot for the detailed report Jon.
> I've parsed it and posted it to
> so
> that can keep it more accessible than the mailing list archive
> <>.
> Any help with formatting or text corrections would be appreciated.
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Jon Katz <> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> I just wanted to update you on the results of something we internally
>> referred to as the '*browse' *prototype.
>> TLDR: as implemented the mobile 'browse by category' test did not drive
>> significant engagement.  In fact, as implemented, it seemed inferior to
>> blue links.  However, we started with a very rough and low-impact
>> prototype, so a few tweaks would give us more definitive results.
>> Here is the doc from which I am pasting from below:
>> Questions/comments welcome!
>> Best,
>> J
>> Browse Prototype Results
>> 
>> Intro
>> <>
>> Process
>> <>
>> Results
>> <>
>> Blue links in general
>> <>
>> Category tags
>> <>
>> Conclusion and Next Steps
>> <>
>> Process
>> <>
>> Do people want to browse by categories?
>> <>
>> 
>> Intro
>> As outlined in this doc
>> <>,
>> the concept is a tag that allows readers to navigate WP via categories that
>> are meaningful and populated in order of 'significance' (as determined by
>> user input).  The hypothesis:
>>    -
>>    users will want to navigate by category if there are fewer, more
>>    meaningful categories per page and those category pages showed the most
>>    ‘notable’ members first.
>> Again, see the full doc
>> <>
>> to understand the premise.
>> Process
>> The first step was to validate: do users want to navigate via category?
>> So we built a very lightweight prototype on mobile web, en wikipedia
>> (stable, not beta) using hardcoded config variables, in the following
>> categories ( ~4000 pages).  Here we did not look into sub-categories
>> with one exception (see T94732 <>
>> for details).  There was also an error and 2 of the categories did not have
>> tags implemented (struck through, below)
>> Category
>> Pagecount
>> NBA All Stars
>> 400
>> American Politicians
>> 818
>> Object-Oriented Programming Languages
>> 164
>> European States
>> 24
>> American Female Pop Singers
>> 326
>> American drama television series
>> 1048
>> Modern Painters
>> 983
>> Landmarks in San Francisco, California
>> 270
>> Here is how it appeared on the Alcatraz page
>> When the user clicked the tag, they were taken to a gather-like
>> collection based on manually estimated relevance
>> (sorry cropped shot)
>> The category pages were designed to show the most relevant (as deemed by
>> me) to the broadest audience, first. Here is the ordering:
>> This was intended to lie in contrast with our current category pages,
>> which are alphabetical and not really intended for human browsing:
>> We primarily measured a few things:
>>    -
>>    when a tag was seen by a user
>>    -
>>    when a tag was clicked on by a user
>>    -
>>    when a page in the new ‘category view’ was clicked on by a user
>> As a side effort, I looked to see if overall referrals from pages with
>> tags went up--this was a timed intervention rather than an a/b test and
>> given the click-thru on the tags, the impact would have been negligible
>> anyway.  This was confirmed by some very noisy results.
>> Results
>> Blue links in general
>> One benefit of the side study mentioned in the previous paragraph is that
>> I was able to generate a table that looked at the pages in question before
>> we started the test that shows a ratio of total pageviews/pageviews
>> referred by a page (estimate of how many links were opened from that
>> page).  Though it is literally just for 0-1 GMT, 6/29/15, now  that we have
>> the pageview hourly table, a more robust analysis can tell us how
>> categories differ in this regard:
>> Category
>> links clicked
>> #pvs
>> clicks/pvs
>> Category:20th-centuryAmericanpoliticians
>> 761
>> 1243
>> 61%
>> Category:Americandramatelevisionseries
>> 5981
>> 8844
>> 68%
>> Category:Americanfemalepopsingers
>> 2502
>> 4280
>> 58%
>> Category:LandmarksinSanFrancisco,
>> 104
>> 287
>> 36%
>> Category:Modernpainters
>> 136
>> 369
>> 37%
>> Category:NationalBasketballAssociationAll-Stars
>> 1908
>> 3341
>> 57%
>> Category:Object-orientedprogramminglanguages
>> 48
>> 181
>> 27%
>> Category:WesternEurope
>> 657
>> 1221
>> 54%
>> Grand Total
>> 12099
>> 19766
>> 50%
>> You can see here that for pages in the category  ‘Landmarks in San
>> Francisco’, if there are 10 pageviews, 5.4 clicks to other pages are
>> generated on average.
>> I do not have the original queries for this handy, but can dig them up if
>> you’re really interested.
>> Category tags
>> Full data and queries here:
>> The tags themselves generated an average click-through rate of .18%.
>> Given the overall click thru rate on the pages estimated above ~50%, this
>> single tag is not driving anything significant.  Furthermore, given Leila
>> and Bob’s paper suggest that this is performing no better than a
>> mid-article click--given the mobile web sections are collapsed, I would
>> need to understand more about their method to know just how to interpret
>> their results against our mobile-web only implementation.  Furthermore, our
>> click through rate used the number of times the tag appeared on screen as
>> the denominator, whereas their research looked at overall pageviews.
>> This being noted, the tag was implemented to be as obscure as possible to
>> establish a baseline.  Furthermore, any feature like this would probably be
>> different in the following ways:
>>    -
>>    each page would be in 1-4 tag groups (as opposed to just 1)
>>    -
>>    each page would be tagged, creating the expectation on the part of
>>    the user that this was something to look for
>>    -
>>    presumably the categories could be implemented as a menu item as
>>    opposed to being buried at the bottom of the page (and competing with
>>    features like read more.
>>    -
>>    Using the learnings from ‘read more’ tags with images or buttons
>>    would likely fare much better.
>> The follow graph shows:
>>    -
>>    number of impressions on the right axis
>>    -
>>    click-thru-rate on the left-axis.
>> When you look at click through rates on the ‘category’ pages themselves,
>> you see that they average at 41% (Chart below)  Meaning that for every 10
>> times a user visited a category page, there were 4.1 clicks to one of those
>> pages as a result.
>> Here is the same broken up by category:
>> Each ‘category’ page here had at least 400 visits, and you can see that
>> the interest seems to vary dramatically across categories.  It is worth
>> noting that the top three categories here are the ones with the fewest
>> entities.  Each list, however, was capped at ~50 articles, so it is unclear
>> what might be causing this effect, if it is real.
>> As mentioned above, the average article page has an overall click rate of
>> 50%. So this page of categories did not have the click-through rate that a
>> page has.  However, this page had summaries of each of the pages, so it
>> could be that users were generating value beyond what a blue link would
>> provide.  A live-user test of Gather collections, from whom this format was
>> borrowed, suggested that the format used up too much vertical space on each
>> article and was hard to flip through.  Shortening the amount of text or
>> image space might be something to try to make the page more useful
>> Conclusion and Next StepsProcess
>>    -
>>    This was the first time I am aware of that we ran a live prototype
>>    and learn something without building a scalable solution. Win
>>    -
>>    Developer time was estimated at 1 FTE for 2 weeks (by pheudx), but
>>    the chronological time for pushing to stable took a quarter. Room for
>>    improvement
>>    -
>>    The time to analysis was almost 2 quarters, due to a lack of data
>>    analysis support (I ran the initial analysis within 2 weeks of launch,
>>    during paternity leave, but was unable to go back and get it ready to
>>    distribute for 3 months).  Room for improvement--possibly solved by
>>    additional Data Analyst.
>> This experiment was not designed to answer questions definitively in one
>> round, but with the understanding that multiple iterations would allow us
>> to fully answer our questions.
>> The long turn-around time, particularly around analysis and
>> communication, meant that tweaking a variable to test the conclusions or
>> the new questions that arosee below will involve a whole lot more work and
>> effort than if we had been able to explore modifications within a few weeks
>> of the initial launch.
>> Do people want to browse by categories?
>> Category tags at the bottom of the mobile web page in a dull gray
>> background that lead to manually curated categories are not a killer
>> feature :)
>> I would be reluctant to say that this means users are not interested in
>> browsing by category, however.  For instance, it is likely that
>>    -
>>    users did not notice the tag, even if it appeared on screen
>>    -
>>    users are accustomed to our current category tags on desktop and not
>>    interested in that experience
>>    -
>>    users who did like the tag were unlikely to find another page that
>>    had it--there was no feedback mechanism by which the improved category 
>> page
>>    would drive additional tag interactions
>>    -
>>    the browse experience created was not ideal
>> If we decide to pursue what is currently termed “cascade c: update ux”, I
>> would like to proceed with more tests in this arena, by altering the
>> appearance and position of the tags, and by improving the flow of the
>> ‘category’ pages.  If we choose a different strategy, hopefully other teams
>> can build off of what was learned here.
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