Dear Tilman,

Can you provide a link for this summary below?

Thank you,


2016-02-18 23:37 GMT+01:00 Tilman Bayer <>:

> Hi all,
> this resumes the usual look at our most important readership metrics.
> Among other things, this time we observe the annual Christmas slump in
> pageviews, hail the advent of the mobile singularity (December saw the
> first ever day with >50% mobile pageviews), and resolve the mystery of the
> Android app’s installation drop since mid November.
> As laid out earlier
> <>,
> the main purpose is to raise awareness about how these are developing, call
> out the impact of any unusual events in the preceding week, and facilitate
> thinking about core metrics in general. We are still iterating on the
> presentation; feedback and discussion welcome.
> After switching away from the weekly schedule (week-over-week and
> month-over-month changes are now being recorded on the Product page
> <> at
> we also skipped an issue and added one week, so this edition
> of the report covers a timespan of nine weeks.
> See also the slides from the Reading team’s quarter review meeting
> <,_January_2016>
> on January 20 for an in-depth look at various metrics.
> Now to the usual data. (All numbers below are averages for December 7,
> 2015 to February 7, 2016 unless otherwise noted.)
> Pageviews
> Total: 529 million/day
> Context (April 2015-February 2016):
> (see also the Vital Signs dashboard
> <>)
> Total pageviews saw a sharp drop about a week before Christmas (almost
> entirely on desktop), coinciding with a drop
> <> in Google
> referrals. But both recovered in early January, even rising above earlier
> levels, thanks to mobile (cf. below). Historical data from one and two
> years ago shows a very similar slump in total and desktop pageviews in the
> second half of December (with a lasting increase in mobile around
> Christmas, too), so I’m interpreting this as seasonal even though it
> preceded the actual holidays by a few days. In January 2014, traffic did
> not fully recover to the levels of November/early December. In January
> 2015, it rose slightly above them, similar to now.
> Desktop: 54.3%
> Mobile web: 44.4%
> Apps: 1.3%
> Context (April 2015-February 2016):
> December 20, 2015 will forever be engraved in Wikimedia history as the
> first day where mobile pageviews surpassed desktop pageviews (51% vs. 49%).
> It was a Sunday - as we have known for a long time, mobile usage is higher
> on weekends. In general, the mobile percentage over a whole week still
> remains well below 50%. But even as desktop pageviews recovered from the
> Christmas slump at the beginning of January, the mobile percentage remains
> roughly 2% higher than before mid-December - quite likely due to a lot of
> new phones entering usage as Christmas presents.
> Global North ratio: 78.3% of total pageviews
> Context (April 2015-February 2016):
> New app installations
> Android: 38.4k/day
> Daily installs per device, from Google Play
> Context (January 2015-February 2016):
> As reported earlier, the app was featured twice on Google Play in recent
> months, and we can now estimate how many additional installs each may have
> caused. November’s placement in the “new and updated” section appears to
> have brought in more than 200k installs, and from early December to early
> January, the apps was featured as one of the “Best Apps of 2015” in many
> countries, resulting in around 350k additional installs.
> The preceding reports also described how we noticed a sharp drop in the
> new install rate around November 12, and started investigating the cause
> with our contact at Google. After some detective work, it turned out that
> the app had been benefitting (since April) from a new feature
> <>
> in Google Search showing install buttons for a website’s app next to search
> results from that site for general search terms. Google ended this
> experiment in November, causing the app’s baseline install rate to drop
> significantly (coincidentally around the end of the “new and updated”
> promotion). Going forward, this means that the ongoing growth rate
> (installs minus uninstalls) remains much lower than it was during most of
> 2015.
> iOS: 4.94k/day
> Download numbers from App Annie
> Context (last three months):
> Like for the Android app, there was a notable bump around Christmas, but
> also an even larger spike on January 14 - the reason is not clear to us.
> App user retention
> Android: 16.8%
> (Ratio of app installs opened again 7 days after installation, among all
> installed during the previous week. 1:100 sample)
> Context (last four months):
> Retention for installations since around Christmas appears to be higher;
> but the data is quite noisy.
> iOS: N/A
> (Ratio of app installs opened again 7 days after installation, among all
> installed during the previous week. From iTunes Connect, opt-in only = ca.
> 20-30% of all users)
> As reported earlier, we encountered data quality issues with this metric.
> We eventually received an explanation from Apple last week, but it doesn’t
> look very satisfactory for our purposes. We are now working
> <> to measure retention
> ourselves via EventLogging, like we do on Android.
> Unique app users
> Android: 1.206 million / day
> Context (last four months):
> A clearly visible and lasting increase around Christmas, which again
> indicates that the retention rates for the install peak around that time
> were higher than during the install peaks caused by the Google Play
> promotions (even though they resulted in more installs initially).
> iOS: 303 k / day
> Context (last four months):
> Similar to Android, a clearly visible and lasting increase around
> Christmas.
> ----
> For reference, the queries and source links used are listed below (access
> is needed for each). Unless otherwise noted, all content of this report is
> © Wikimedia Foundation and released under the CC BY-SA 3.0
> <> license. Most of the
> above charts are available on Commons, too
> <>
> .
> hive (wmf)> SELECT SUM(view_count)/(7000000*9) AS avg_daily_views_millions
> FROM wmf.projectview_hourly WHERE agent_type = 'user' AND
> CONCAT(year,"-",LPAD(month,2,"0"),"-",LPAD(day,2,"0")) BETWEEN "2015-12-07"
> AND "2016-02-07";
> hive (wmf)> SELECT year, month, day,
> CONCAT(year,"-",LPAD(month,2,"0"),"-",LPAD(day,2,"0")) as date,
> sum(IF(access_method <> 'desktop', view_count, null)) AS mobileviews,
> SUM(view_count) AS allviews FROM wmf.projectview_hourly WHERE year > 0 AND
> agent_type = 'user' GROUP BY year, month, day ORDER BY year, month, day
> LIMIT 1000;
> hive (wmf)> SELECT access_method, SUM(view_count)/7 FROM
> wmf.projectview_hourly WHERE agent_type = 'user' AND
> CONCAT(year,"-",LPAD(month,2,"0"),"-",LPAD(day,2,"0")) BETWEEN "2015-12-07"
> AND "2016-02-07" GROUP BY access_method;
> hive (wmf)> SELECT SUM(IF (FIND_IN_SET(country_code,
> > 0, view_count, 0))/SUM(view_count)  FROM wmf.projectview_hourly WHERE
> agent_type = 'user' AND
> CONCAT(year,"-",LPAD(month,2,"0"),"-",LPAD(day,2,"0")) BETWEEN "2015-12-07"
> AND "2016-02-07";
> hive (wmf)> SELECT year, month, day,
> CONCAT(year,"-",LPAD(month,2,"0"),"-",LPAD(day,2,"0")), SUM(view_count) AS
> all, SUM(IF (FIND_IN_SET(country_code,
> > 0, view_count, 0)) AS Global_North_views FROM wmf.projectview_hourly
> WHERE year > 0 AND agent_type='user' GROUP BY year, month, day ORDER BY
> year, month, day LIMIT 1000;
> (“overview”)
> (select “Total”)
> SELECT LEFT(timestamp, 8) AS date, SUM(IF(event_appInstallAgeDays = 0, 1,
> 0)) AS day0_active, SUM(IF(event_appInstallAgeDays = 7, 1, 0)) AS
> day7_active FROM log.MobileWikiAppDailyStats_12637385 WHERE userAgent
> LIKE '%-r-%' AND userAgent NOT LIKE '%Googlebot%' GROUP BY date ORDER BY
> (with the retention rate calculated as day7_active divided by day0_active
> from seven days earlier, of course)
> hive (wmf)> SELECT CONCAT(year,"-",LPAD(month,2,"0"),"-",LPAD(day,2,"0"))
> as date, unique_count AS Android_DAU FROM wmf.mobile_apps_uniques_daily
> WHERE platform = 'Android';
> hive (wmf)> SELECT CONCAT(year,"-",LPAD(month,2,"0"),"-",LPAD(day,2,"0"))
> as date, unique_count AS iOS_DAU FROM wmf.mobile_apps_uniques_daily WHERE
> platform = 'iOS';
> --
> Tilman Bayer
> Senior Analyst
> Wikimedia Foundation
> IRC (Freenode): HaeB
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