I've been standing at the sideline of this whole thing, cause I'm dutch. Envy
me, but pot is legal here. Sorry, but it's true. Well, I guess most of you
knew this. Anyway, being dutch doesn't automatically make me a dopehead. I'm
not, though I smoke my share of pot every once in let's say a six months....
The thing is: I could smoke a huge bag of marihuana and notice hardly
anything, when I'm around other people, whereas just a tiny bit of stuff in a
cigarette can make me go bezerk when I'm alone. Preferably in bed.

When you're all alone the stuff works best and there's no destraction. I
rediscovered a lot of albums through listening to them stoned. And the
effects stays when I listen to them later sober! There's a sea of sounds you
don't notice whithout drugs. And reading this mailinglist, others seem to
have that experience too. I first noticed this effect while listening to
Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set Trash and no star. The guitars battle
eachother in a headphone each throughout the record. I had a similar
experience with Surfer Rosa/Come on Pilgrim of the Pixies. There's so much
more inside this record than you could ever discover sober! I think the
special thing about listening to music stoned is that you can much better
understand the things the artist means or feels. It seems that way anyhow...

On another level; talking 'bout orgasmic feelings: a real (physical) orgasm
feels a 1000 times more intense while stoned, but I guess this is a bit off

So what's there left to say. I think you as cool as any other when you are
against pot and stuff and stuff, but denying its effects is plain bull.


Nero Wolfe wrote:

> It's extremely difficult to find anybody writing objectively about
> the effects of marijuana beyond the typical 'Half-baked' stereotypes.  But
> I do smoke my share and i'm not an idiot, even when I'm stoned.  As most
> folks probably already know, pot greatly enhances both the desire for
> entertainment, for one-way stimuli, and the capacity to enjoy them.  Do I
> get more out of listening to music when I'm stoned?  Absolutely.  First of
> all, it usually requires having smoked some before I'll fully commit
> myself to just LISTENING.  Like to an entire album loud on the headphones
> with zero distractions (save the cigarettes I'm chain-smoking).  No
> books, no phone, no e-mail...  And I honestly get more out of the
> experience when I'm stoned - you can attribute this to good old 'pot
> thinking.'  This is a pattern of intense intellectual activity in which
> one's own thoughts become hugely self-important, which, as anybody knows
> who's ever witnessed someone in the throes of 'pot revelations,' usually
> sound better in your head than out loud.  I become hyper-concious of
> aspects of music beyond the melody and the words; tones become extremely
> important, as do the production, beats, guitar effects.  I also find that
> it solidifies my opinions on music - something that I really like sober
> can become positively orgasmic when I'm stoned.  Conversely, music that
> I'm kind of wishy-washy on becomes absolutely detestable and inexcusable.
> What I love about pot is that it cultivates a mind-set where music becomes
> so goddamn important; if you don't need to be stoned to feel this way,
> then more power to you -- I just find that it helps.
> 7 great indie-rock stoner albums:
> Unrest - Imperial f.f.r.r.
> Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on
> Sebadoh - Smash Your head...
> sea and cake - sea and cake
> cornelius - fantasma
> trans am - anything
> mm - long drive for someone...
> any thoughts?  is this all just pathetic justification?
> on an unrelated note - big ups to maria sciarrino.

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