i used to be pretty against drugs until the last year ,yearand a half
or so when i started to be m ore open minded about the subject.then
in the summer i started smokin up occasionally and i couldn't agree
more w/this myself.. i find some of the best music you can listen to
when yr in this state of mind is music you can be pretty sure was made
while the artists were on drugs.. the beatles rubber soul and revolver
albums sound more brilliant than ever.. so many tiny arrangements
and things that become so important that i would have overlooked
before. when listenin to goodbye sunshine layin down w/my eyes shut
it was probably the fist time i felt really really high, like something
had tight but secure hold of my head or mind and kept bringing me
higher and higher and higher up into the air,a fucking great feeling.
ofcourse i wouldn't want to be like this all the time and that's
why i only do this stuff once in awhile.
pot can clue you into details of anything i find that you wouldn't
maybe normally notice not just for music but if you watch something
like i don't know wrestlmania 3 and it relates to politics in such
a huge way, it also gave me ideas to one day write a book on the
wwf government conspiracey theory. hehe.. actually the WWF really
scares the shit out of me now for reals. it'spretty damn fucked
up if you payclose attention to it and its history. 

i think the mousewill be next record to listen to next time i'm
on drugs .. i hope from this post people aen't going to judge me
because of this shit, if anyone would i guess that'stoo bad. like
isaid before i rarely do any ofthis but when i do it's a nice
experience i find, and i'm not that paranoid a person normally so
it doesn't turn me into a loon.


>>>It's extremely difficult to find anybody writing objectively about 
>the effects of marijuana beyond the typical 'Half-baked' stereotypes. 
> But I do smoke my share and i'm not an idiot, even when I'm stoned.  
>As most folks probably already know, pot greatly enhances both the 
>desire for entertainment, for one-way stimuli, and the capacity to 
>enjoy them.  Do I get more out of listening to music when I'm stoned? 
>Absolutely.  First of all, it usually requires having smoked some
>before I'll fully commit myself to just LISTENING.  Like to an entire
>album loud on the headphones with zero distractions (save the
>cigarettes I'm chain-smoking).  No books, no phone, no e-mail...  And
>I honestly get more out of the experience when I'm stoned - you can
>attribute this to good old 'pot thinking.'  This is a pattern of
>intense intellectual activity in which one's own thoughts become
>hugely self-important, which, as anybody knows who's ever witnessed
>someone in the throes of 'pot revelations,' usually sound better in
>your head than out loud.  I become hyper-concious of aspects of music
>beyond the melody and the words; tones become extremely important, as
>do the production, beats, guitar effects.  I also find that it
>solidifies my opinions on music - something that I really like sober
>can become positively orgasmic when I'm stoned.  Conversely, music
>that I'm kind of wishy-washy on becomes absolutely detestable and
>inexcusable. What I love about pot is that it cultivates a mind-set
>where music becomes so goddamn important; if you don't need to be
>stoned to feel this way, then more power to you -- I just find that it
>7 great indie-rock stoner albums:
>Unrest - Imperial f.f.r.r.
>Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on
>Sebadoh - Smash Your head...
>sea and cake - sea and cake
>cornelius - fantasma
>trans am - anything
>mm - long drive for someone...
>any thoughts?  is this all just pathetic justification?<<
>                Matt B

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