Brandon Seaton wrote:

> howdy,
>    i am fairly new to the list, and i have a problem.  the whole 'indie
> rock' concept is super fuzzy to me.  does it only relate to the band being
> on an independent label?  i've heard people call Perfect from Now On an
> indie rock album, but its on Warner Bros.  If an indie rock band signs to
> a major label, does it cease to be an indie rock band?  am i missing the
> point entirely?

Brandon Seaton wrote:

> howdy,
>    i am fairly new to the list, and i have a problem.  the whole 'indie
> rock' concept is super fuzzy to me.  does it only relate to the band being
> on an independent label?  i've heard people call Perfect from Now On an
> indie rock album, but its on Warner Bros.  If an indie rock band signs to
> a major label, does it cease to be an indie rock band?  am i missing the
> point entirely?

Yep... You are who you are. And that's it. labeling is pathetic. Labeling is
for marketeers, I guess if you wanna label, you're not indie. hehe.

Hope you're still confused.


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