Brandon Seaton wrote:

>  i have a problem.  the whole 'indie
> rock' concept is super fuzzy to me... does that make me
> an indie rocker?  If someone could give me a clear definition, i'd be
> super grateful.

Actually, Brandon, nobody knows how to define indie rock. Not because of the
new marketability of power-punk-pop, not because of the fact that WB owns 49%
of subpop, but because all decisions are made by a senile -- yet wise -- old
man, who happens to be my grandfather.  People always bitch about 'labels'
and what have you because the truth is too chaotic and confusing to accept.
My grandfather determines the fate of the indie rock world, and there's
nothing anyone can do about it.

And I asked my grandfather about you, and he said you sound like an indie
rocker, but he wants you to post your drug habits to the modest mouse list
before he makes his final decision.  Apparently, this has something to do
with it.

good luck,


Sam Leininger                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

""We control our thoughts which mean nothing, and not our emotions which
mean everything."  -- _Masculin, feminin_

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