>yeah, i agree...i was the one who said the internet thing and then someone
>pointed out "jesus christ was on only child" to me--it's when bands mention
>shit like the internet or leonardo dicaprio (see joan of arc's last
>album...that part absolutely makes me cringe, altho i love it otherwise) in
>their songs, in an attempt to sound "hip" or "ironic" or "90s", that i get
>turned off.  yeah.
>xoxo nicole

this list seems to be comprised of a lot of cool people, but shut the fuck
up.  (insert smiley face)  these songwriters you mentioned aren't trying to
sound "hip" or "ironic" or "90s".  they're just writing songs.  and it seems
ridiculous that someone would be "turned off" by a song that is written
about the times the songwriter lives in. i especially like that joan of arc
verse (but probably because he's adapting it from a t.s. eliot line "in the
room where women come and go and talk of michelangelo".)  but i love the
lyrics to that whole freakin' song (and every other tim kinsella song),
including "and dear lord for poor fiona.  swore on some music awards she
wished she'd never been born....."  that is "90s" and it's fantastic.

johnny cakes
ps- jesus christ wasn't an only child.  he had brothers and sisters.
np-where's wolfie.

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