> As a tie in to a controversial MM issue, the Declaration of Independence
>  was written by a man who raped slaves.  (There can't be consent when you
>  own your partner - Sally Hemings wasn't allowed the "right" to decline.)

Well.... I wouldn't call this a fact. You see, it has never been conclusively 
proven that it was actually Jefferson who was involved. The real facts were 
largely exaggerated or just plain lied about by socialists in a transparent 
attempt to make it seem like Clinton isn't a bad guy. However, I wouldn't be 
surprised to find that Jefferson was actually involved. 
Also, If he was, what makes you say it was "rape" and not a consensual sexual 
relationship? Documented evidence or a desire to make Jefferson look bad?

>  Does this fact make that document any less valid?


Ernie Fata

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