In a message dated 7/24/99 2:04:19 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< What?  I am that cat that was selling the CD's on Ebay.  I had to stop
 because I got a letter from MM's manager asking me to.  But I am curious
 why you would say that I am uncool considering I have never sold
 anything to anyone before....therefore it is impossible for me to have
 wronged you in the past.  Not to mention I have no idea who you are, and you
 have no idea who I am.   So what's the story? >>

I'll butt in here.  The general rule of thumb most bands operate under that 
allow taping at their shows is that it's OK to swap tapes or burned CDs with 
others as long as no money other than postage is exchanged, and it's 
certainly OK to resell semi-sanctioned bootleg CDs like Pavement's "Stray 
Slack" or Guided by Voices' "Crying Your Knife Away," but that it's 
definitely not cool to use auction sites like Ebay to sell boot CDs made 
without any kind of sanctioning from mixing board or audience tapes.  The 
person that originally posted the message probably assumed that most music 
fans know these rules of the road, but I'm inclined to give you the benefit 
of the doubt first time around.  Don't be surprised if you're inundated with 
e-mail from people shouting "Not cool," however.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

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