everybody else is doing it :)

built to spill at boston's in tempe around this time of year last year.....i 
had been waiting to see them and the whole experience was as enthralling as i 
had expected it to be. 
jonathan fire eater at gibson's in tempe two springs ago......i am seriously 
sad about them breaking up, they were great and stewart lupton said hi to me 
at that show (i think he is very hot stuff) and it was raining that night. 
the rain made it perfect.
dub narcotic at stinkweed's in tempe (where i live) stinkweed's is a record 
store, so the setting is very intimate and calvin johnson took full advantage 
of that by wandering through the crowd. he drooled on my friend-very 
sunny day real estate at the fourth of july thing in irvine this 
summer.....the sun was setting and i was laying on the grass. it was lovely.
take care, everybody-kirstin.

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