Best shows that I have seen,
•Fugazi with 764-HERO and Red Stars Theory in
Springfield Oregon (of all places) last year

•Neil Young played the HORDE tour a few years ago and
while some other band was playing (I think it was the
Squirll Nutt Zippers-yeeee haaaa) he came out to a
tent off to the side and started taking requests. More
highlights of that show were Morphine and Ben Folds

•Other shows I've seen that I don't quite remember
when they were (those are the best ones) were Far on a
couple of occasions, the Pixies several years ago,
Primus on their Frizzle Fry tour, Modest Mouse of
course, Wilco.......mmmmm now I'm just fishing.

By the way, in response to this whole GAS OUT thing,
why not just fuck your cars for a few days and try
walking or riding your bike. When we stop buying gas
for just a few days we still make up for it the days
preceding it and folling the strike. That does
nothing. If you want to make a real stance, encourage
everyone you know to ride their bikes sometimes, walk,
or at least consider carpooling. The first step
towards a solution is recognizing the problem. 
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