Speaking of Crooked Teeth.

Poor Isaac, it seems, ran into an encouter in Chicago.  I guess, from what I
hear second hand, is Isaac was walking around Chicago a few weeks ago during
the recording sessions for their new album, and a group of guys approached
him and started messing with him about how he was "from out of town".

Unfortunately, they beat the living crap out of him, and broke his jaw.  I
was talking to ryan from Love is Laughter today, and he said that he was a
bit worried that Isaac wouldn't be ready to play some of the shows coming up
due to this incident, of course thinking about his welfare in the forefront,
but also concerned.

I hope Isaac is allright.  I guess his jaw was about an Inch out of
alignment due to the breakage.  That poor guy has always something to deal

They will be back up soon i'm sure.


----- Original Message -----
From: Edington, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 6:03 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: plug for my pals

> Hey, some friends of mine have a brand spankin' new webpage for their
> Chad is my roommate and part time collaborator on my experimental music
> projects. Their sound is quite unique. Maybe not everyone on this list's
> o' tea, but it kind of takes you back to the roots of rock 'n roll.
> influenced a lot by old timers like Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl
> Perkins, the Beatles, etc. You can hear a lot of those in their music. so
> CHECK IT OUT and email them nice things, it would make them smile..
> http://www.crookedteeth.net
>                    Mark

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