and they have Powerpuff Girls shirts at sears. ;p

amy wolf wrote:
> > to all the folks hearing BtS's "You Were Right" in a particular chain
> store:
> > not to be some kind of fashion police or a little too judgemental ... but
> > why were y'all shopping at Sears in the first place? I suppose, if
> > anything. it just goes to show that the people shopping at sears really
> are
> > dungaree-wearing, indie-rock listening kind of people. right?
> i probably wouldn't buy cds at sears, but for christs sake.. it's a
> department store.  people are gonna buy and depart from there because they
> have all the necessities that people need.  ya know, if you need towels or
> dishes you can go there.. a dress, a nice shirt, some nice pants.. you can
> go there.  it may not be the most 'rockin' place in the world, but i don't
> deny buying clothes, towels, dishes, pots and pans, ya get the picture from
> sears and i hardly see how a person such as myself can be judged for that.
> - amy

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