Ah, excellent, I'm glad to hear the show went well (though I'd expect nothing 
less from Pavement). I'll be catching them (sans Dirty Three, I think) on the
6th. It's the only thing that gave meaning to this Monday.

Thanks for the review.


On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Edington, Mark wrote:

> yeah, people were right about Calexico, they are really good. lots of fun.
> nice south of the border sound. and the song about Tulsa was really cool, I
> met a guy from the list, Robert, who happens to be from Tulsa, and he was
> standing there, and I was like, hey how about that? dirty three were
> amazing! The songs went on forever and the guy was jumping all over the
> stage with the violin, and it was just so intense. I was really ready for
> Pavement to come on, cause I was so tired, and had been on my feet all day
> already. I needed something to get my groove on, dirty three had lots of
> mellow moments mixed in with the madness. So, Pavement did not disappoint at
> all. They did everything I wanted to hear and then some, but not Shady Lane.
> I had that song on my mind all day and all night, but they never did play
> it. Is it just me, or is Stephen Malkmous a bit pretentious? Maybe just a
> tad conceited? But you know, there are some people who can do that and
> you're just like, "Yeah, well you're right, you are a badass.. I'd be the
> same way if I were you." He'd be like, "Ok, I know you'll like this one..
> or, "this is from our last album, you'll like it because, well it's a great
> album.." and all you can say is, "damn right, man.. play that shit, I know
> I'll love it." he did a nice little switch on "..a word, a word that rhymes
> with Pavement.." he said, "a word that rhymes with Sebadoh.." people cracked
> up. it was cute.. good show... sososleepy..  <<<<>>>>
>                    Mark

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