<<as long as some form of government is better than anarchy>>
What's wrong with anarchy?  Some of my best friends are anarchists..
As for violence..call me crazy..but i dont believe that its our "nature" to
destory, rape and pilage other cultures for no other reason than profit.  I
actually have two proposals to stop violence consumerism and profiteering.
One, fuck time.  Its pointless and there really isn't any need for us to
abide by it if we don't want to.  If you don't follow the normal progression
of events as interputed by the human consciousness, it becomes very hard to
force another culture into subserviance.  If you don't believe this is
possible, spend a couple days doing nothing but watching your cat, and
you'll understand(there are also some other devices that could help
here..but im at work..and can't broadcast such things to whomever may be
watching.) Two, fuck money.  Yah i know its old and trite and you really
expect something more earth shattering..but its the most direct and most
simple way to solve the quandries you brought up.  If money is the root of
all evil..why the fuck do we keep it around?  Mark no understand..
Call me an idiotic optimist..but i truly feel that one day...every single
person is going to wake up and understand that this isn't how its supposed
to be..that its not right to force people to work for 1.83 a day to make a
SOCCER BALL they could never afford to buy..let alone a cadillac..whether it
comes from something in the water supply or Jesus Christ(no im not
Christian) or whatever..i have no idea...and i dont think i want to have any
idea..but one day..everyone is going to walk out of their house..or their
box or whatever and instead of seeing poor, white, black, gay, woman, man,
rich, pedophile, they're just going to see a human being.
(though that seems even a bit too optimistic for me..) Alright..before this
turns into a diatribe on the wonders of humanity..i will stop..

Sweet dreams and flying machines..

And your mom would stick a fork right into daddy's shoulder, and dad
would throw the garbage all across the floor, as we would lay and learn
what each other's bodies were for.  And your mom would drink until she
was no longer speaking, and dad would dream of all the different ways to
die, each one a little more than he could dare to try.

just out of curiosity, what's your proposal on how to stop violence?
there have always been wars and there will always be wars and as long as
some form of government is better than anarchy, there will always be
political agendas that cause death.  sorry, but it's true.

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