so if we spent a bazillion dollars sending troops over to bosnia to try to
stop the inherent violence that has gone on there for thousands of years,
will it change anything?  i believe it IS human nature not to be violent,
but to be ignorant.  as long as a person believes he/she is better than
someone else and passes that on to their children, their children's
children, etc, there will always be violence.  no, it is not in our
nature, necessarily, to be violent, but our ignorance perpetuates it. 

as far as slave wages in other countries...i question the validity of the
argument.  aren't the people working for foreign companies making more
than those people working for domestic companies?  when your option is
$1.50 making soccer balls, or panhandling on the street, i think the
choice is clear.  and the children who work there, they work because they
have to.  you can't compare the economy and lifestyle of US citizens to
that of the impoverished in less-developed countries.  sure, it seems like
a rip-off to us, but in the context of their economy, it isn't so bad.

and i went to see al gore speak last night.  i admit i was forced into it
and after standing around waiting for him to show up for an hour, i put
the five minute-rule into effect. but he wasn't bad. the usual catch
phrases, repetiton, and story-telling.  a typical speech to fire up
a crowd, but he was interesting.  too bad we had to stand around for an
hour longer waiting for him.

                sweetness follows.

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