Naomi by Neutral Milk Hotel
                    oh yeah

And there's nothing like sex to attract people's interest.  This list is no
different.  I'll abstain from the sex thread, but I must say that I've been
listening to Terrible/Perfect this entire week.  Unfortunately alone, but
nonetheless it's an incredible song.

After careful research, I have concluded that attraction is based less on
physical beauty and more on the asshole factor.  The more of a stupid jerk a
guy is, the more attractive women find him.  If you want to stay single be
nice and sensitive.  Become a prick and you'll be a lust machine in no time.
Not that I have ever tried this strategy, but I have seen it in action.
Remember, asshole=sultanofluv

The world is an ass-backwards place.

"Bruise 'em, and you'll never lose 'em." -Smog

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