(list related stuff after my brief correspondence to Russ)

Mr. Russ:

I have tried emailing you about indie covers for your web-site (I have
completed my dancy synthesized version of "Custom Concern", the Mountain
Goats stuff we talked about some time ago didn't work out), but sadly all
emails I send to you are promptly returned with a message that your address
is not valid. I've double-triple checked the address and in a fleeting
moment of bravery, even tried clicking on your address from the list only
to have that returned as well. There's snow here in Warsaw, and believe it
or not, that may be preventing my emails from going through (they have
old underground phone lines that when wet, seem to malfunction. That's why
everyone here has cellular phones). If you could email me with your
mailing address and in what format (if) you want the song, that would be



(fun list stuff begins now)

While I am here (on the list) I would like to inquire to those of you in
the Boston or Philadelphia area about shows happening some time between
December 9th and January 13th (my return to the States) (a nice 5-week paid
vacation, but a long time to be stuck with the folks) (love 'em, can't live
with 'em for
more than 4 days). I will be in Philly most of the time, but I am planning
to be in sunny Boston from December 15th - 23rd and probably for a few days
around New Year's. I have checked web-site upon web-site for shows
and have not found anything of value during these dates. Since everyone
here is usually on the ball with this sort of thing, I ask you for your
generous help. I've been to ONE show this year: MM in Dresden (if you only
see one show a year, I guess that is/was the one to see). Thank you all for
your suggestions/directions/leads/plots/and revelations.

Oh, and whoever recommended Mr. T Experience a few weeks back, I am
indebted to you for introducing me. I can't believe
I've lived 2? years without coming across any of their stuff.


Christian (C-Daddy)

ps-  There's great literary taste around here. "High
Fidelity" and "Fugitive Pieces" are easily two of the best books
I've read this year and I second their recommendations. Those of you
involved or interested in the film/documentary world should read "My Year
of Meats" by Ruth Ozaki (even though it actually deals much more with other

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