> besides, what do judge the average person on the
> street by if it isn't
> their looks?

Well, how do you judge people that you meet randomly
on the internet since you can't rely on looks for a
primer?  And what if you were to become attracted to
an individual on the internet based entirely on their
personality (whether transmitted via chat module or
telephone conversation)?  Yes, we judge people
everyday based on their looks; and yes, there must be
some level of physical chemistry between two people to
maintain a healthy relationship; but who's to say that
looks have to be the most prominent element when
meeting new people?  I've met some extremely
attractive people in my life who I found completely
repulsive when I heard them speak for the first time. 
Maybe I'm just hung up on antiquated romantic
idealism, but I still believe that I will meet a nice
that will fall in love with me for my mind first and
everything else later.  Because this youthful shell is
going to whither away someday, kids, and if you're
going to eventually spend the rest of yr life with
someone, you better hope it's someone who you really
enjoy being around.  Not that you should all be
looking for the long-term proposal just yet... not
that I am either for that matter... but I'm old enough
now that dating for the sake of dating is not my bag. 
I want to meet people who stimulate me, and I don't
just mean the horizontal mambo.  Ruxx was tossing the
word soulmate around, and I really have to agree with
just about everything that he posted in that regard. 
I thought I had met my soulmate last year - we shared
the same favorite bands (Pave, SY, MM, Mogwai), we
shared the same love of music, we shared a lot of
things.  What we didn't share were her delusional and
violent episodes and her insane jealousy.  I never
thought I would want to see her go until she punched a
hole in the bedroom wall and then cheated on me
multiple times a few months later.  So yeah, soulmate?
 A term I don't use anymore.  But it's something nice
to think about while under the influence.  *sigh*  

Heaven isn't too far away,
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