>>I wrote a paper last semester about why Mark Leyner is destructive to the advancement of culture. Most of my evidence came from David Foster Wallace, from an essay in "A Suppossedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again." My teacher then informed me that Wallace's whole argument was concieved out of mock-spite...apparantly, Wallace and Leyner have some sort of war where they trash each other all over the media and in thier work, but are actually (almost secretly) friends. Kinda like Stephen Malkmus and Billy Corgan.
so ooops, my argument was slightly invalid, but regardless, I still find Leyner annoying and I think David Foster Wallace is doing some really interesting stuff. But they're both pretentious, although Coupland, who I enjoy most of the three, is more pretentious than the other two together.
props to you for writing on DFW who I consider borderline genius.  But I'm definitely not with you on Coupland.  Circa Gen X I was a big fan but Girlfriend in a Coma went way over the permissible-levels-of-pretension-top. 
have you tried Matthew Sharpe or Lorrie Moore or David Sedaris?

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