Kathryn McDonald wrote:

> >But when you get right down to it, Miller's Tropic of Cancer is >really
> >where it's all at, and no one has done better yet.
> No one, ever?
> J. D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey

The "Franny" part I liked immensely, but the "Zooey" part I found
somewhat annoying for the first half at least.  Catcher in the Rye was
better, and I'd say it's very nearly as good as Tropic of Cancer.

> Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle

Mmm... beyond Breakfast of Champions, I'm not much of a Vonnegut

> Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Nah... decent, about on par with something like William Golding's
"Darkness Visible" (except in the opposite direction).

> Nikos Kazantzakis, The Last Temptation of Christ

Not a big fan... something about it bothers me.

> Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

Haven't read...

> to cover 20th century authors, and before that,
> Fyodor Mikhailovich D., any and all...

I really am almost exclusively interested in modern writing - which is
not to say anything bad about pre-20th century work, just that I'm not
in 2 it.  I'm interested in literature that explores who we are, who
we've become recently - not who we were, because I don't believe it's
possible to truly comprehend who we were just by reading literature -
the only reason I can comprehend "who we are" (humanity) in modern works
is because I already know - in a sense I think literature should be
self-affirming or, more precisely, meditative - literature should be
gospel, not documentary.

> Of course Mr. Miller had the advantage of knowing/fucking Anais Nin which
> gives anyone cool points

I'm not entirely convinced of this.  Her writing is mediocre at best,
and her promiscuity is always presented in a kind of wide-eyed "I'm
having this sexual awakening, I don't know what to do, blah blah blah"
way, ignoring the fact that she was essentially a slut - I don't think
she should be admired for cheating on a loving husband - and by the same
token, I don't admire certain aspects of Miller's attitude towards
women.  That said, I don't think she was a terrible person either -
somewhere between Marrianne Faithful and Courtney Love, perhaps.

> but I have to strongly disagree that he's the best author ever.

Well, I mean, that's cool.  No one can ever say who is or isn't the
"best" author, or musician - only who is best to him or herself.  As I
often say, I would never make the statement "Godspeed You Black Emperor!
are better than the Spice Girls" - just that *I* happen to like them

np:Flying Saucer Attack, "Since When (Part Two)"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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