>i love douglas 
>coupland... i don't care if he's pretentious or anything like that, i have 
>some sick, undying devotion to the man.  "microserfs" is by far my
>book... it's so wonderful... i'm a total nrrrd so  i just fell in love
>it somehow... 

i know. we can't explain our undying devotion to coupland. it's just
impossible not to love him. i just love the whole riot nrrd scene, and i
love Microserfs. and who's a better character than dag in GenX? so what if
that book spawned a whole litter of motivational high school speakers that
still think "today's kids" are generation x? it was a Good Book, dammit.

>... and his book of short stories "life 
>before god" is a really good collection...

 er..life After god? anyway. i didn't like that one too much. too
predicatable and stereotypical. like the story about the girl that breaks
up with her punk boyfriend then sets her fish free in a lake and says
something like "hang on to each other, you're the only thing you've got."
stupid. i'm beginning to wonder if coupland will only ever produce those
two good books. he's losing his edge.

>... but i'm surprised no one 
>has mentioned things by irvine welsh... he's written a bunch of books...
>title that's most well-known is >"trainspotting".
trainspotting is definitely very good. i've become the personal hero of
several friends by recommending it to them. because i was hip and read it 2
1/2 years ago. however, anyone who likes trainspotting should definitely
check out welsh's Marabou Stork Nightmares. as good as if not slightly
better than trainspotting.

> and "the acid house" is good... but i'f >only recomend 
>it if you like trainspotting... it's a bunch of short stories.... and they 
>are totally good... 

eh. i didn't much like the acid house. it was....too postmodern i guess.
like the one story that had no plot but was just about some plumbers that
were pissed that they had to go clean up some shit.

and on the henry miller tip. yes, tropic of cancer may well be the best
book ever written. it's like (although written earlier) miller takes
Catcher a small step forward beyond what salinger did. like...holden grows
up. because, we mustn't forget that catcher in the rye is about a kid. and
however Incredibly Relavent catcher is, it's still a kid. miller achieves a
bit more from an adult's point of view. and the language is Beautiful. and
if you liked Tropic of Cancer, definitely check out Tropic of Capricorn.
it's great as a companion piece to Tropic of Cancer. not a prequel or
sequel, just a companion. it explains the process by which miller came to
the state he's in in Tropic of Cancer. beware, it's pretty depressing, as
miller's all down on america, but it's Damn inspiring. it'll make you want
to quit yr job and run away to paris. i finished Tropic of Capricorn two
days ago myself, and i'm still reeling.

enough on books for now.
all the good books i've read:

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