okay, but i like to judge people based on their looks.  and i can be
wrong, and that's fine, but it is fun to guess just who they are based on
nothing more than what appears before me.  and as far as meeting people
via internet/chat i think it's great to meet people, but am i then to
allow myself to be judged solely on the things i write?  ooo, what if i
write something dumb?  it's the same deal.  and basing a sole mate on
simply what you have in common is kind of silly.  what about what you
don't have in common?  my boyfriend and i like to "argue" about things.
it stirs the mind.  as long as there is agreement on the important
issues (whatever those may be) then you can call it what you want, but
make decisions based on experience and gut instincts and don't deny
yourself the possibility of a soulmate.  

                she is something of an after dinner mint.

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