fundamentalists, orthodox jews, 'biblical literalists'....
i mean maybe the 2000 is an exaggeration.  i think some people think it's
like 55,000 years old, but even still, i'm pretty sold on the whole
millions of years old idea ;)  maybe it's because of lack of faith in the
bible but i can't accept that God invented our Earth that soon of a time
ago.  what about dinosaurs?  are they made up?  has anyone seen a bird? 
has anyone seen animals?  plants?  i look at these extinct animals; i look
at these evolved animals and i think "oh my god they resemble something
less evolved millions of years ago."  i can't accept that these old old
creatures don't even exist and that these old creatures didn't have an
impact on how life is now.
- amy

> "Supposedly ONLY 2000 years old" to whom?

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