If this means anything to anyone, the Pope admitted to the scientific 
viability of evolution about...5 years ago, I think. Homeboy basically said 
that Christians can't keep on fooling themselves as to the reality of 
I did a research project on the creation/evolution argument in my 
anthropolgy and gealogy courses last year, and from all of the information I 
gathered on it, evolution came out to be *so* much the more realistic 
Which in no way excludes theistic evolution (the idea that God sparked 
evolution and oversees its progress); one can continue believing in the 
Bible without having to dismiss all of the scientific evidence that the 
earth is probably about 3 billion years old (if memory serves me 
correctly..which is doubtful). If you're willing to take parts of the Bible 
figuratively, ie, that maybe "7 days" to God is more like...3.5 billion 
years...there's really no point in questioning science or religion.
I'm probably far too willing to buy into happy mediums, but theistic 
evolution just makes sense to me. And apparently John Paul has no problem 
with it, either. Now, on the issue of birth control...

>From: "amy wolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [MMouse]: sunny day christians
>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 12:45:00 -0600
>fundamentalists, orthodox jews, 'biblical literalists'....
>i mean maybe the 2000 is an exaggeration.  i think some people think it's
>like 55,000 years old, but even still, i'm pretty sold on the whole
>millions of years old idea ;)  maybe it's because of lack of faith in the
>bible but i can't accept that God invented our Earth that soon of a time
>ago.  what about dinosaurs?  are they made up?  has anyone seen a bird?
>has anyone seen animals?  plants?  i look at these extinct animals; i look
>at these evolved animals and i think "oh my god they resemble something
>less evolved millions of years ago."  i can't accept that these old old
>creatures don't even exist and that these old creatures didn't have an
>impact on how life is now.
>- amy
> > "Supposedly ONLY 2000 years old" to whom?

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