I hate to participate in such a religious discussion but I think
that while we might not all agree that there was carbon 14 10000 years
ago we can all agree that years have been happening for awhile now and
that in any one year a tree adds one ring.  Given those two truths
there are trees in california which are 400 or more years old.  When they
die the are sometimes petrified into rock fossils.  Using these fossils
and natural events that marked the stumps such as fires scientists have
counted rings back more than 15000 years.  This new c-14 data allowed for 
extremely accurate carbon dating within those years because we were able
to see the changes in c-14 levels.  So while the earth maybe 100000 or
100000000 years old I think we can believe the rings that there were 
trees in california 15000 years ago.  Unless the aliens that are experimenting
on us put them there to trick us?


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