> 10.Fight Club
>   9.Dogma
>   8.Blair Witch Project
>   7.Star Wars
>   6.Toy Story 2
>   5.The 6th Sense
>   4.Eyes Wide Shut
>   3.Green Mile
>   2.Being John Malkovich
>   1.American Beauty

holy shit.  i don't even remember what movies i've seen this year besides
american beauty, blair witch, dogma, and deep blue sea.  uhmm, after that,
i just have no idea whatsoever what i saw or what came out..so i'll bring
out a list that includes new and movies that i saw this year even if they
are kinda old.

let's see...definitely for #1 i have to choose American Beauty.  there were
parts in that movie that made me cry even tho they weren't supposed to i
don't think.  it was so well crafted that it touched me thoroughly.
#2..office space.  i've recommended this movie to like everyone i possibly
can, and i have people who at one time were like "yeaah someday" taking
quotes from the movie and practically shoving them into the conversation
second by second.  the movie rules, mike judge rules, the quotes rule, long
live office space ;)
#3..forrest gump.  i hadn't seen this since it was out in theatres, and
then this past april i rented it.  it's such a sweet movie.
#4..ET.  i hadn't seen this in about seven years, and this past may i saw
it again on TNT.  i have no idea why i like it so much, it's sad, it's
happy, it's funny.  i love the part where that kid thinks ET is dead and
then ET starts glowing and he's like "ET PHONE HOME!" and the kid freaks
out and has to smother him.  aww :P
#5..blair watch project.  haha i dunno.  it wasn't really that scary til
towards the end when they're in that house, but it's like taco bell nachos.
 stuffed full of lots of nice/sweet memories.
#6..dogma.  dogma really opened up the religious flood gates for me.  i
have a clearer conscience about religion now i think, and i don't think
it's the end of the world anymore to be open towards a higher power.
#7..the spy who shagged me.  ok, this MAY seem dumb..but this is my kinda
humor.  i liked the original more actually, so maybe i should say "the
austin powers movies" or something, but the second is more recent, so i'm
just gonna say..it's funny stuff.
#8..deep blue sea.  more memories and pretty fucking hilarious.  it's so
stupid and i wanted to laugh so hard in the theatre but i thought i'd
embarass people ;)  when samuel l. jackson was talking and then he got
eaten by that shark, i dunno..even when i think about that now i break out
into laughter.
#9..the opposite of sex.  i get kicked down for this all the time for
whatever reason, but i think lisa kudrow is so gorgeous and so talented.  i
know she plays this huge flake on friends or whatever but i think if you
see that movie you'll soon discover that she can play a variety of
characters.  christina ricci was of course great in the movie too, and yeah
yeah yeah she's a babe whatever :P  but lisa kudrow was what really did it
for me.
#10..i dunno, i'll leave that up to the rest of you.
when i look back on this list, it's really not in any specific order.  the
opposite of sex should've gone before the spy who shagged me..so i
dunno..take these as tho they're random.

movie of the year that ended up sucking so much ass:
"all over me"
holy shit!  this movie sucks!  the helium footage that i wanted doesn't
even work anymore, it's all scratched up and crap, god damnit.  does anyone
want a shitty ass movie?  come and get it, i don't even wanna touch it. 
this might sound kinda pretentious, and it would be except i've seen
sweeter stories about two girls making out, but holy fuck this movie is
such a big cliche.  it's not just cliche, which would be better, but it's
like..the biggest cliche of a movie that i've ever seen. 

haha uhm i'm getting dizzy now
maybe i better go to bed
- amy, about to fall asleep on the keyboard

"and i know i should go but i will probably stay and that's all you can do
about some things.." - modesto mousoso

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