w/r/t the story that isaac wrote for kutie sometime ago and that someone
mentioned on the list. thought it was complete shit, and i find this

the story itself is very short and absolutely derivative of both Ray C's:
Chandler and Carver.  something about a hotel detective that blackmails a
prostitute - "you can keep turning tricks here as long as i get the
occasional fuck" etc.  but so then he follows her and discovers she's,
like, married and he can't handle it because he thought he was her special
john or some such.  it's been done before, and it was better then.

why this is good:  isaac is the undisputed master of the rock lyric -
they're good to read and they're good to hear which is a good trick that
very few can pull off.  and they're infused with a ragged "i'm baring my
ugly soul" kind of honesty that nobody can match because nobody else has
quite that mixture of redneck and intelligence in his/her blood.  if isaac
could hop into a separate lit genre (are lyrics a lit genre?) and pull it
off equally well, it would be like a charade, like he was just playing a
role, thus negating the honesty which i find crucial to my enjoyment of
his songs.  instead, he writes a story every bit as crappy as i would
expect that loser that sings those songs to write.  if it was a good
story, then i couldn't like the songs as much, somehow.


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