> yes yes!  that line is brilliant.  im glad others know about bottlerocket.
> cos ill admit its a different type of humor, not for everyone.  yeah, so rent
> it, or get the independent film channel, its on all the time.
> anyone know of any other movies wes anderson has done besides bottlerocket
> and rushmore?

None yet, but I would HEAVILY recommend the movie Home Fries for fans of
Bottle Rocket.  Despite being marketed as a sappy love story focusing on
Drew Barrymore, the fact is that it's a twisted dark comedy that is VERY
similar to Bottle Rocket (the two main characters are Luke Wilson
(Anthony in Bottle Rocket) and a blonde guy who looks remarkably similar
to Dignan).  Additionally, they even act like those characters.  And
Drew Barrymore is barely in the movie at all - the "love story" is very
secondary to the main plot, which concerns Luke Wilson and the Dignan
lookalike, who are brothers, and their mother.

> p.s.  on the remedy thread...some of you seem to be pretty knowledgeable, so
> what do you think about the usage of aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve
> headaches?

Seems fairly harmless to me.  On those rare occasions I do get a
headache (as long as it's not a hangover headache, as most painkillers
and alcohol mixed together cause kidney damage) I take Tylenol.

np:the Supremes, "Reflections"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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